Werner Heisenberg
1971 / The Impact of the Neutron: Bohr and Heisenberg / Joan Bromberg / Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 3 (1971) p. 307 [doi]
1975 / Development of concepts in the history of quantum theory / Werner Heisenberg / American Journal of Physics 43 (1975) p. 389 [doi]
1976 / Irreversibility and Indeterminism: Fourier to Heisenberg / Stephen G. Brush / Journal of the History of Ideas 37 (1976) p. 603 [lien]
1977 / Heisenberg, Models, and the Rise of Matrix Mechanics / Edward MacKinnon / Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 8 (1977) p. 137 [doi]
1979 / Heisenberg's First Core Model of the Atom: The Formation of a Professional Style / David C. Cassidy / Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 10 (1979) p. 187 [doi]
1979 / Indeterminacy before Heisenberg: The Case of Franz Exner and Erwin Schrödinger / Paul A. Hanle / Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 10 (1979) p. 225 [doi]
1985 / Werner Heisenberg and the Beginning of Nuclear Physics / Arthur I. Miller / Physics Today 38 (1985) p. 60 [doi]
1990 / Heisenberg, Goudsmit and the German Atomic Bomb / Mark Walker / Physics Today 43 (1990) p. 52 [doi]
1990 / Primacy Doomed to Failure: Heisenberg's Role as Scientific Adviser for Nuclear Policy in the FRG / Michael Eckert / Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 21 (1990) p. 29 [doi]
1992 / Physics and Propaganda: Werner Heisenberg's Foreign Lectures under National Socialism / Mark Walker / Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 22 (1992) p. 339 [doi]
1992 / Werner Heisenberg et le principe d'incertitude / David Cassidy / Pour la Science 177 (1992) p. 86
1992 / Werner Heisenberg on the Nazi Revolution: Three Hitherto Unpublished Letters / James C. O'Flaherty / Journal of the History of Ideas 53 (1992) p. 487 [lien]
1995 / Arthur March, Werner Heisenberg, and the search for a smallest length / Helge Kragh / Revue d'histoire des sciences 48 (1995) p. 401 [doi]
1995 / Heisenberg a-t-il parlé d'une bombe atomique allemande ? / Jeremy Bernstein / Pour la Science 213 (1995) p. 88
1999 / New Models for Science in Politics: Heisenberg in West Germany / Cathryn Carson / Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 30 (1999) p. 115 [doi]
2000 / A Historical Perspective on Copenhagen / David C. Cassidy / Physics Today 53 (2000) p. 28 [doi]
2000 / The German Uranium Project / Hans A. Bethe / Physics Today 53 (2000) p. 34 [doi]
2000 / Werner Heisenberg and Albert Einstein / Gerald Holton / Physics Today 53 (2000) p. 38 [doi]
2002 / Heisenberg and the critical mass / Jeremy Bernstein / American Journal of Physics 70 (2002) p. 911 [doi]
2004 / Heisenberg in Poland / Jeremy Bernstein / American Journal of Physics 72 (2004) p. 300 [doi]
2004 / Open or closed? Dirac, Heisenberg, and the relation between classical and quantum mechanics / Alisa Bokulich / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 35 (2004) p. 377 [doi]
2006 / Heisenberg and the wave–particle duality / Kristian Camilleri / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 37 (2006) p. 298 [doi]
2007 / Bohr, Heisenberg and the divergent views of complementarity / Kristian Camilleri / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 38 (2007) p. 514 [doi]
2007 / Indeterminacy and the Limits of Classical Concepts: The Transformation of Heisenberg's Thought / Kristian Camilleri / Perspectives on Science 15 (2007) p. 178 [doi]
2009 / Heisenberg (and Schrödinger, and Pauli) on hidden variables / Guido Bacciagaluppi ; Elise Crull / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 40 (2009) p. 374 [doi]
2010 / The Life and Times of Werner Heisenberg / Harry Lustig / Physics in Perspective 12 (2010) p. 470 [doi]