Erwin Schrödinger
1969 / Why Was It Schrödinger Who Developed de Broglie's Ideas? / V. V. Raman ; Paul Forman / Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 1 (1969) p. 291 [doi]
1977 / Erwin Schrödinger's Reaction to Louis de Broglie's Thesis on the Quantum Theory / Paul A. Hanle / Isis 68 (1977) p. 606 [lien]
1977 / The coming of age of Erwin Schrödinger: His quantum statistics of ideal gases / Paul A. Hanle / Archive for history of exact sciences 17 (1977) p. 165 [doi]
1979 / Indeterminacy before Heisenberg: The Case of Franz Exner and Erwin Schrödinger / Paul A. Hanle / Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 10 (1979) p. 225 [doi]
1979 / Schrödinger's route to wave mechanics / Linda Wessels / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 10 (1979) p. 311 [doi]
1979 / Where Does Schrödinger's What is Life? Belong in the History of Molecular Biology? / E. J. Yoxen / History of Science 17 (1979) p. 17 [lien]
1985 / The later work of E. Schrödinger / Bruno Bertotti / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 16 (1985) p. 83 [doi]
1987 / Light hypotheses / Peter Achinstein / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 18 (1987) p. 293 [doi]
1987 / Schrödinger at Oxford: A hypothetical national cultural synthesis which failed / P.K. Hoch ; E.J. Yoxen / Annals of Science 44 (1987) p. 593 [doi]
1988 / Atomism from Cosmology: Erwin Schrödinger's Work on Wave Mechanics and Space-Time Structure / Alexander Rüger / Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 18 (1988) p. 349 [doi]
1990 / [Réflexion] Erwin Schrödinger : un philosophe chez les physiciens / Michel Bitbol / La Recherche 226 (1990) p. 1392
2004 / The Bild Conception of Physical Theory: Helmholtz, Hertz, and Schrödinger / Salvo D’Agostino / Physics in Perspective 6 (2004) p. 372 [doi]
2005 / The Influence of Niels Bohr on Max Delbrück : Revisiting the Hopes Inspired by “Light and Life” / Daniel J. McKaughan / Isis 96 (2005) p. 507 [doi]
2009 / Heisenberg (and Schrödinger, and Pauli) on hidden variables / Guido Bacciagaluppi ; Elise Crull / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 40 (2009) p. 374 [doi]
2009 / The classical roots of wave mechanics: Schrödinger's transformations of the optical-mechanical analogy / Christian Joas ; Christoph Lehner / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 40 (2009) p. 338 [doi]
2010 / Schrödinger and Dirac equations for the hydrogen atom, and Laguerre polynomials / Jean Mawhin ; André Ronveaux / Archive for history of exact sciences 64 (2010) p. 429 [doi]
2011 / Analogy, extension, and novelty: Young Schrödinger on electric phenomena in solids / Christian Joas ; Shaul Katzir / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 42 (2011) p. 43 [doi]