James Prescott Joule
1969 / Joule's Early Researches / Gordon Jones / Centaurus 13 (1969) p. 198 [doi]
1970 / Background to the Joule-Mayer Controversy / J. T. Lloyd / Notes and Records 25 (1970) p. 211 [doi]
1975 / Chemistry and the conservation of energy: The work of James Prescott Joule / John Forrester / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 6 (1975) p. 273 [doi]
1976 / Faraday as Referee of Joule's Royal Society Paper "On the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat" / Crosbie W. Smith / Isis 67 (1976) p. 444 [lien]
1979 / La découverte des principes de l'énergie : l'itinéraire de Joule / Jacques Merleau-Ponty / Revue d'histoire des sciences 32 (1979) p. 315 [doi]
1988 / James Joule's Work in Electrochemistry and the Emergence of the First Law of Thermodynamics / William H. Cropper / Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 19 (1988) p. 1 [doi]
1995 / [numéro spécial] / / Cahiers de Science et Vie 29 (1995) p. 0
2010 / James Joule, William Thomson and the concept of a perfect gas / J. S. Rowlinson / Notes and Records 64 (2010) p. 43 [doi]
2012 / The awarding of the Copley Medal and the ‘discovery’ of the law of conservation of energy: Joule, Mayer and Helmholtz revisited / David Cahan / Notes and Records 66 (2012) p. 125 [doi]