Lev Landau
1989 / Landau's Attitude Toward Physics and Physicists / Vitaly L. Ginzburg / Physics Today 42 (1989) p. 54 [doi]
1989 / Reminiscences of Landau / I. M. Khalarnikov / Physics Today 42 (1989) p. 34 [doi]
1994 / Recollections of Lev Davidovich Landau / Alexander I. Akhiezer / Physics Today 47 (1994) p. 35 [doi]
1997 / [Présence de l'histoire] La vie secrète de Lev Landau / Gennady Gorelik / Pour la Science 238 (1997) p. 10
2007 / Landau's youthful sallies into stellar theory: Their origins, claims, and receptions / Karl Hufbauer / Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 37 (2007) p. 337 [doi]
2008 / The Schooling of Lev Landau: The European Context of Postrevolutionary Soviet Theoretical Physics / Karl Hall / Osiris2 23 (2008) p. 230 [doi]