Max Planck
1961 / Max Planck and the beginnings of the quantum theory / Martin J. Klein / Archive for history of exact sciences 1 (1961) p. 459 [doi]
1976 / Max Planck's Philosophy of Nature and His Elaboration of the Special Theory of Relativity / Stanley Goldberg / Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 7 (1976) p. 125 [doi]
1984 / Revisiting Planck / Thomas S. Kuhn / Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 14 (1984) p. 231 [doi]
1986 / Atomism, Poincaré and Planck / H. Krips / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 17 (1986) p. 43 [doi]
1986 / Planck, Kuhn, and Scientific Revolutions / Herbert W. Gernand ; W. Jay Reedy / Journal of the History of Ideas 47 (1986) p. 469 [lien]
1991 / Planck's principle and Jeans's conversion / Geoffrey Gorham / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 22 (1991) p. 471 [doi]
1994 / Max Planck and the ``black year'' of German physics / Joseph F. Mulligan / American Journal of Physics 62 (1994) p. 1089 [doi]
1997 / Max Planck et le concept de quantum d'énergie lumineuse E=hv / Alfred Kastler / Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens 797 (1997) p. 1621 [lien]
2001 / Max Planck and the 'Constants of Nature' / Nadia Robotti ; Massimiliano Badino / Annals of Science 58 (2001) p. 137 [doi]
2001 / Max Planck et la naissance de la mécanique quantique / Jean-Claude Boudenot ; Gilles Cohen-Tannoudji / Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens 831 (2001) p. 349 [lien]
2001 / On the Experimental Context of Planck's Foundation of Quantum Theory / Dieter Hoffmann / Centaurus 43 (2001) p. 240 [doi]
2001 / The Historians' Disagreements over the Meaning of Planck's Quantum / Olivier Darrigol / Centaurus 43 (2001) p. 219 [doi]
2002 / Cautious revolutionaries: Maxwell, Planck, Hubble / Stephen G. Brush / American Journal of Physics 70 (2002) p. 119 [doi]
2002 / Planck, the Quantum, and the Historians / Clayton A. Gearhart / Physics in Perspective 4 (2002) p. 170 [doi]
2006 / [numéro spécial] Planck : la révolution quantique / John L. Heilbron / Les genies de la science (pour la Science) 27 (2006) p. 0
2012 / Max Planck: Founder of Quantum Theory / Barry R. Masters / Optics and Photonics News 23 (2012) p. 30 [lien]
2013 / Changeable Ears: Ernst Mach’s and Max Planck’s Studies of Accommodation in Hearing / Alexandra Hui / Osiris2 28 (2013) p. 119 [doi]
2016 / Max Planck and the birth of the quantum hypothesis / Michael Nauenberg / American Journal of Physics 84 (2016) p. 709 [doi]