Albert Michelson
1967 / Rayleigh and Michelson / R. S. Shankland ; Lord Rayleigh ; Albert A. Michelson / Isis 58 (1967) p. 86 [lien]
1967 / The Michelson-Rayleigh Correspondence of the AFCRL Rayleigh Archives / John N. Howard ; Lord Rayleigh ; Michelson / Isis 58 (1967) p. 88 [lien]
1969 / Einstein, Michelson, and the "Crucial" Experiment / Gerald Holton / Isis 60 (1969) p. 133 [lien]
2007 / [Reference Frame] Master Michelson's Measurement / Daniel Kleppner / Physics Today 60 (2007) p. 8 [doi]