système métrique
1936 / Decimal Division of Scales before the Metric System / H. R. Calvert / Isis 25 (1936) p. 433 [lien]
1958 / The Metric System: A Quarter-Century of Acceptance (1851-1876) / Edward Franklin Cox / Osiris 13 (1958) p. 358 [lien]
1959 / Les deux déterminations de l'unité de masse du système métrique / Arthur Birembaut / Revue d'histoire des sciences 12 (1959) p. 25 [doi]
1963 / Parliament and the Metric System / Bernard Semmel / Isis 54 (1963) p. 125 [lien]
1966 / "Parliament and the Metric System" Bernard Semmel- A Reply / Bernard Semmel / Isis 57 (1966) p. 119 [lien]
1969 / The Congress on Definitive Metric Standards, 1798-1799: The First International Scientific Conference? / Maurice Crosland / Isis 60 (1969) p. 226 [lien]
1972 / The Metric System in the United States / Lewis M. Branscomb / Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 116 (1972) p. 294 [lien]