mouvement perpétuel
1941 / The Perpetual Motion Machine of Mark Antony Zimara / G. Kasten Tallmadge / Isis 33 (1941) p. 8 [lien]
1947 / An Attempt to Harness Perpetual Motion in Ohio in the Nineteenth Century / Wm. Marion Miller / Isis 37 (1947) p. 57 [lien]
1971 / Perpetual Motion of the Zeroth Kind / Roald K. Wangsness / American Journal of Physics 39 (1971) p. 898 [doi]
1994 / Quid si fic ! Enseigner l'utilisation efficace de l'énergie / Luisa Viglietta / Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens 760 (1994) p. 19 [lien]
1995 / The show that never ends: perpetual motion in the early eighteenth century / Simon Schaffer / The British Journal for the History of Science 28 (1995) p. 157 [doi]
1999 / Maxwell’s Demon and Baron Munchausen: Free Will as a Perpetuum Mobile / Orly R. Shenker / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 30 (1999) p. 347 [doi]