couronne solaire
1967 / Structure of the Solar Corona / Gordon Newkirk, Jr / Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 5 (1967) p. 213 [doi]
1978 / A View of Solar Magnetic Fields, the Solar Corona, and the Solar Wind in Three Dimensions / Leif Svalgaard ; John M. Wilcox / Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 16 (1978) p. 429 [doi]
1993 / Le magnétisme de le couronne solaire / Tahar Amari ; Pascal Démoulin / La Recherche 252 (1993) p. 258
2000 / La température de la couronne solaire dépasse le million de degré, nous révèle le Pr Edlén / / Ciel et Espace 367 (2000) p. 40
2000 / Priority, Persuasion, and the Virtue of Perseverance: WIlliam Huggins's Efforts to Photograph the Solar Corona Without an Eclipse / Barbara J. Becker / Journal for the History of Astronomy 31 (2000) p. 223 [lien]
2001 / La brûlante couronne du Soleil / Bhola Dwivedi ; Kenneth Phillips / Pour la Science 288 (2001) p. 28 [lien]
2001 / The New Solar Corona / Markus J. Aschwanden ; Arthur I. Poland ; Douglas M. Rabin / Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 39 (2001) p. 175 [doi]
2003 / La couronne solaire / André Cantegreil / Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens 852 (2003) p. 477 [lien]
2004 / La basse couronne fait de la résistance / Guillaume Aumanier / La Recherche Hors-Serie 15 (2004) p. 22
2009 / [Search and Discovery] Magnetic waves pervade the Sun's corona / Charles Day / Physics Today 62 (2009) p. 18 [doi]
2012 / The Sun's Global Photospheric and Coronal Magnetic Fields: Observations and Models / Duncan Mackay ; Anthony Yeates / Living Reviews in Solar Physics 9 (2012) p. 1 [doi]
2012 / [Histoire de science] Les flammes du Soleil dévoilées par les éclipses / Marie-Christine de la Souchère / La Recherche 462 (2012) p. 92
2012 / [Quick Study] Exploring the interface between the Sun’s surface and corona / Charles C. Kankelborg / Physics Today 65 (2012) p. 72 [doi]
2017 / Why is the Sun’s corona so hot? Why are prominences so cool? / Jack Zirker ; Oddbjørn Engvold / Physics Today 70 (2017) p. 36 [doi]