Paul Ehrenfest
2001 / [Figures du passe] Paul Ehrenfest, le Socrate des quanta / Étienne Klein / La Recherche 338 (2001) p. 61
2004 / Nordström, Ehrenfest, and the Role of Dimensionality in Physics / Paul Halpern / Physics in Perspective 6 (2004) p. 390 [doi]
2004 / Paul Ehrenfest on the Necessity of Quanta (1911): Discontinuity, Quantization, Corpuscularity, and Adiabatic Invariance / Luis Navarro ; Enric Pérez / Archive for history of exact sciences 58 (2004) p. 97 [doi]
2006 / Paul Ehrenfest: The Genesis of the Adiabatic Hypothesis, 1911–1914 / Luis Navarro ; Enric Pérez / Archive for history of exact sciences 60 (2006) p. 209 [doi]
2007 / Paul Ehrenfest’s Rough Road to Leiden: A Physicist’s Search for a Position, 1904–1912 / Pim Huijnen ; A. J. Kox / Physics in Perspective 9 (2007) p. 186 [doi]
2009 / Ehrenfest’s adiabatic theory and the old quantum theory, 1916–1918 / Enric Pérez / Archive for history of exact sciences 63 (2009) p. 81 [doi]
2010 / Paul Ehrenfest, Niels Bohr, and Albert Einstein: Colleagues and Friends / Martin J. Klein / Physics in Perspective 12 (2010) p. 307 [doi]
2013 / Paul Ehrenfest and the Dilemmas of Modernity / Frans H. van Lunteren ; Marijn J. Hollestelle / Isis 104 (2013) p. 504 [doi]
2014 / Paul Ehrenfest’s final years / Dirk van Delft / Physics Today 67 (2014) p. 41 [doi]