paradoxe de Klein
1982 / Zitterbewegung and the Klein paradox for spin-zero particles / Michael G. Fuda ; Edward Furlani / American Journal of Physics 50 (1982) p. 545 [doi]
1998 / Klein's paradox / Barry R. Holstein / American Journal of Physics 66 (1998) p. 507 [doi]
1999 / Motion of a wave packet in the Klein paradox / H. Nitta ; T. Kudo ; H. Minowa / American Journal of Physics 67 (1999) p. 966 [doi]
1999 / Seventy years of the Klein paradox / N. Dombey ; A. Calogeracos / Physics Reports 315 (1999) p. 41 [doi]
2012 / On Klein tunneling in graphene / T. R. Robinson / American Journal of Physics 80 (2012) p. 141 [doi]