
2003 / From explanation to description: Molecular and phenomenological theories of piezoelectricity / Shaul Katzir / Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 34 (2003) p. 69 [doi]
2003 / Measuring constants of nature: confirmation and determination in piezoelectricity / Shaul Katzir / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 34 (2003) p. 579 [doi]
2003 / The Discovery of the Piezoelectric Effect / Shaul Katzir / Archive for history of exact sciences 57 (2003) p. 61 [doi]
2008 / From ultrasonic to frequency standards: Walter Cady’s discovery of the sharp resonance of crystals / Shaul Katzir / Archive for history of exact sciences 62 (2008) p. 469 [doi]
2012 / Who knew piezoelectricity? Rutherford and Langevin on submarine detection and the invention of sonar / Shaul Katzir / Notes and Records 66 (2012) p. 141 [doi]
2016 / Pursuing frequency standards and control: the invention of quartz clock technologies / Shaul Katzir / Annals of Science 73 (2016) p. 1 [doi]