chat de Schrödinger
1980 / The Present Situation in Quantum Mechanics: A Translation of Schrödinger's "Cat Paradox" Paper / John D. Trimmer / Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 124 (1980) p. 323 [lien]
1984 / Three perspectives on Schrödinger's cat / J. G. Loeser / American Journal of Physics 52 (1984) p. 1089 [doi]
1996 / [Reference Frame] Memoirs of Schrödinger's Cat / Daniel Kleppner / Physics Today 49 (1996) p. 11 [doi]
1996 / [Search and Discovery] Experimenters Cool Helium Below Single-Photon Recoil Limit in Three Dimensions / Gloria B. Lubkin / Physics Today 49 (1996) p. 22 [doi]
1997 / Quantum superpositions and Schrödinger cat states in quantum optics / C. C. Gerry ; P. L. Knight / American Journal of Physics 65 (1997) p. 964 [doi]
2005 / Le chat de Schrödinger se prête à l'expérience / Serge Haroche ; Jean-Michel Raimond ; Michel Brune / Les Dossiers de La Recherche 18 (2005) p. 76
2013 / [Nobel Lecture] Superposition, entanglement, and raising Schrödinger’s cat / David J. Wineland / Reviews of Modern Physics 85 (2013) p. 1103 [doi]