précession des équinoxes
1969 / The 1717 Egyptian years and the Copernican theory of precession / Kristian Peder Moesgaard / Centaurus 13 (1969) p. 120 [doi]
1971 / Determinations of precession / Walter Fricke / Celestial Mechanics 4 (1971) p. 150 [doi]
1972 / Precession and Trepidation in Indian Astronomy before A.D. 1200 / David Pingree / Journal for the History of Astronomy 3 (1972) p. 27 [lien]
1975 / Levi ben Gerson's Analysis of Precession / Bernard R. Goldstein / Journal for the History of Astronomy 6 (1975) p. 31 [lien]
1979 / The Young Avestan and Babylonian Calendars and the Antecedents of Precession / W. Hartner / Journal for the History of Astronomy 10 (1979) p. 1 [lien]
1980 / Hipparchus's determination of the length of the tropical year and the rate of precession / Noel M. Swerdlow / Archive for history of exact sciences 21 (1980) p. 291 [doi]
1981 / Astronomical precession: A good and a bad first-order approximation / Bernhard M. Haisch / American Journal of Physics 49 (1981) p. 636 [doi]
1987 / D'Alembert versus Euler on the precession of the equinoxes and the mechanics of rigid bodies / Curtis Wilson / Archive for history of exact sciences 37 (1987) p. 233 [doi]
1994 / Historical Perspectives on Copernicus's Account of Precession / Bernard R. Goldstein / Journal for the History of Astronomy 25 (1994) p. 189 [lien]
1998 / Newtons Problems with Rigid Body Dynamics in the Light of his Treatment of the Precession of the Equinoxes / Geoffrey. J. Dobson / Archive for history of exact sciences 53 (1998) p. 125 [doi]
1999 / Against Chandrasekhar's Interpretation of Newton's Treatment of the Precession of the Equinoxes / Geoffrey J. Dobson / Archive for history of exact sciences 53 (1999) p. 577 [doi]
2006 / À propos de la précession des équinoxes / Christophe Cappe / Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens 889 (2006) p. 1541 [lien]