paradoxe de Fermi
1990 / Cosmology, extraterrestrial intelligence, and a resolution of the Fermi-Hart paradox / Paul S. Wesson / Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 31 (1990) p. 161 [lien]
1994 / Machine Intelligence, the Cost of Interstellar Travel and Fermi's Paradox / Louis K. Scheffer / Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 35 (1994) p. 157 [lien]
1996 / Thoughts on Extraterrestrials Prompted by Two Contnbutions in a Recent Issue of Quarterly Journal / G. H. A. Cole / Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 37 (1996) p. 257 [lien]
2007 / Nouvelle solution au paradoxe de Fermi, ET prend son temps / David Fossé / Ciel et Espace 444 (2007) p. 60