pompe à vide
1994 / Theory and practice in air-pump construction: The cooperation between Willem Jacob's Gravesande and Jan van Musschenbroek / Anne C. van Helden / Annals of Science 51 (1994) p. 477 [doi]
2011 / After Boyle and the Leviathan: the Second Generation of British Air Pumps / Terje Brundtland / Annals of Science 68 (2011) p. 93 [doi]
2012 / Francis Hauksbee and his air pump / Terje Brundtland / Notes and Records 66 (2012) p. 253 [doi]
2016 / [Idées de physique] La girafe, la paille et la pompe à piston / Jean-Michel Courty ; Édouard Kierlik / 464 (2016) p. 0 [lien]