halo (atmosphérique)
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2002 / Halo models of large scale structure / Asantha Cooray ; Ravi Sheth / Physics Reports 372 (2002) p. 1 [doi]
2002 / The mathematical physics of rainbows and glories / John A. Adam / Physics Reports 356 (2002) p. 229 [doi]
2005 / Classification des phénomènes de halos : résultats analytiques et découvertes récentes / Luc Dettwiller / Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens 877 (2005) p. 929 [lien]
2015 / Artificial halos / Markus Selmke / American Journal of Physics 83 (2015) p. 751 [doi]
2016 / Complex artificial halos for the classroom / Markus Selmke ; Sarah Selmke / American Journal of Physics 84 (2016) p. 561 [doi]
2016 / [Apparatus and Demonstration Notes] Complex artificial halos for the classroom / Markus Selmke ; Sarah Selmke / American Journal of Physics 84 (2016) p. 561 [doi]