fission nucléaire
1952 / High Energy Fission / R. W. Spence ; G. P. Ford / Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 2 (1952) p. 399 [doi]
1954 / Fission Radiochemistry (Low-Energy Fission) / L. E. Glendenin ; E. P. Steinberg / Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 4 (1954) p. 69 [doi]
1959 / High-Temperature Plasma Research and Controlled Fusion / R. F. Post / Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 9 (1959) p. 367 [doi]
1966 / Nuclear Fission / J. S. Fraser ; J. C. D. Milton / Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 16 (1966) p. 379 [doi]
1971 / Three Fragment Fission / I. Halpern / Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 21 (1971) p. 245 [doi]
1977 / Spontaneously Fissioning Isomers / R. Vandenbosch / Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 27 (1977) p. 1 [doi]
1980 / Wartime Fission Research in Japan / Phillip S. Hughes / Social Studies of Science 10 (1980) p. 345 [lien]
1982 / Le cycle du combustible nucléaire... réellement bien maîtrisé ? / Jean-Christophe Dumielle / Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens 76 (1982) p. 799 [lien]
1986 / Nuclear Fission: Reaction to the Discovery in 1939 / Lawrence Badash ; Elizabeth Hodes ; Adolph Tiddens / Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 130 (1986) p. 196 [lien]
1987 / Leo Szilard: Giving Peace a Chance in the Nuclear Age / Barton J. Bernstein / Physics Today 40 (1987) p. 40 [doi]
1988 / Neutrons and Politics: Maier-Leibnitz and the Emergence of Pile Neutron Research in the FRG / Michael Eckert / Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 19 (1988) p. 81 [doi]
1989 / The Discovery of Nuclear Fission / Emilio G. Segrè / Physics Today 42 (1989) p. 38 [doi]
1993 / The Discovery of Spontaneous Fission in Plutonium during World War II / Lillian Hoddeson / Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 23 (1993) p. 279 [doi]
1996 / Categorization, anomalies and the discovery of nuclear fission / Hanne Andersen / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 27 (1996) p. 463 [doi]
1998 / Lisa Meitner et la fission nucléaire / Ruth Lewin Sime / Pour la Science 245 (1998) p. 80
1999 / Nuclear fission reactors / Charles E. Till / Reviews of Modern Physics 71 (1999) p. 451 [doi]
2000 / The Search for Transuranium Elements and the Discovery of Nuclear Fission / Ruth Lewin Sime / Physics in Perspective 2 (2000) p. 48 [doi]
2009 / Mechanism of fission / John A. Wheeler / Physics Today 62 (2009) p. 35 [doi]
2011 / [Actualité] La surprenante fission nucléaire du noyau de mercure / Anaïs Schaeffer / La Recherche 449 (2011) p. 14
2013 / [Colloquium] Beta-delayed fission of atomic nuclei / Andrei N. Andreyev ; Mark Huyse ; Piet Van Duppen / Reviews of Modern Physics 85 (2013) p. 1541 [doi]
2014 / Simple calculation of the critical mass for highly enriched uranium and plutonium-239 / Christopher F. Chyba ; Caroline R. Milne / American Journal of Physics 82 (2014) p. 977 [doi]
2014 / The names of physics: plasma, fission, photon / Helge Kragh / European Journal of Physics H 39 (2014) p. 263 [doi]
2014 / fissioncore: A desktop-computer simulation of a fission-bomb core / B. Cameron Reed ; Klaus Rohe / American Journal of Physics 82 (2014) p. 972 [doi]
2015 / On the belated discovery of fission / Michael Pearson / Physics Today 68 (2015) p. 40 [doi]