défaut cristallin
1953 / The Defects in Crystals / C. G. Suits / Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 97 (1953) p. 681 [lien]
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1991 / Defects and Superconductivity in the Copper Oxides / James D. Jorgensen / Physics Today 44 (1991) p. 34 [doi]
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2013 / Defect identification in semiconductors with positron annihilation: Experiment and theory / Filip Tuomisto ; Ilja Makkonen / Reviews of Modern Physics 85 (2013) p. 1583 [doi]
2014 / Atom-like crystal defects: From quantum computers to biological sensors / Lilian Childress ; Ronald Walsworth ; Mikhail Lukin / Physics Today 67 (2014) p. 38 [doi]
2014 / First-principles calculations for point defects in solids / Christoph Freysoldt ; Blazej Grabowski ; Tilmann Hickel ; Jörg Neugebauer ; Georg Kresse ; Anderson Janotti ; Chris G. Van de Walle / Reviews of Modern Physics 86 (2014) p. 253 [doi]