effet Zeeman
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1970 / Alfred Landé and the Anomalous Zeeman Effect, 1919-1921 / Paul Forman / Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 2 (1970) p. 153 [doi]
1987 / Unfulfilled renown: Thomas Preston (1860–1900) and the anomalous Zeeman effect / D. Weaire ; S. O'Connor / Annals of Science 44 (1987) p. 617 [doi]
1992 / The discovery of the Zeeman effect: A case study of the interplay between theory and experiment / Theodore Arabatzis / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 23 (1992) p. 365 [doi]
1998 / Zeeman's discovery and the mass of the electron / Nadia Robotti ; Francesca Pastorino / Annals of Science 55 (1998) p. 161 [doi]