masse relativiste
1968 / The Advantage of Teaching Relativity with Four-Vectors / Robert W. Brehme / American Journal of Physics 36 (1968) p. 896 [doi]
1987 / Does mass really depend on velocity, dad? / Carl G. Adler / American Journal of Physics 55 (1987) p. 739 [doi]
1989 / The Concept of Mass / Lev B. Okun / Physics Today 42 (1989) p. 31 [doi]
1991 / In defense of relativistic mass / T. R. Sandin / American Journal of Physics 59 (1991) p. 1032 [doi]
1995 / [New Problems] Relativistic mass increase at slow speeds / Gerald Gabrielse / American Journal of Physics 63 (1995) p. 568 [doi]