énergie cinétique
1956 / La force d'un corps en mouvement / C. A. Crommelin / Centaurus 4 (1956) p. 360 [doi]
1965 / Eighteenth-Century Attempts to Resolve the Vis viva Controversy / Thomas L. Hankins / Isis 56 (1965) p. 281 [lien]
1968 / The Vis viva Controversy, a Post-Mortem / L. L. Laudan / Isis 59 (1968) p. 131 [lien]
1971 / Leibniz and the Vis Viva Controversy / Carolyn Iltis / Isis 62 (1971) p. 21 [lien]
2005 / Why is the energy of motion proportional to the square of the velocity? / Jeffrey J. Prentis / American Journal of Physics 73 (2005) p. 701 [doi]