Univers stationnaire
1988 / Steady-state cosmology / Sir Hermann Bondi / Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 29 (1988) p. 65 [lien]
1993 / Unprincipled Cosmology / John D. Barrow / Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 34 (1993) p. 117 [lien]
1994 / Uniformitarianism in cosmology: Background and philosophical implications of the steady-state theory / Yuri Balashov / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 25 (1994) p. 933 [doi]
1995 / Cosmology and action-at-a-distance electrodynamics / F. Hoyle ; J. V. Narlikar / Reviews of Modern Physics 67 (1995) p. 113 [doi]
1999 / A Different Approach to Cosmology / Geoffrey Burbidge ; Fred Hoyle ; Jayant V. Narlikar / Physics Today 52 (1999) p. 38 [doi]
1999 / Reply to "A Different Approach to Cosmology" / Andreas Albrecht / Physics Today 52 (1999) p. 44 [doi]