réaction nucléaire
1967 / Thermonuclear Reaction Rates / William A. Fowler ; Georgeanne R. Caughlan ; Barbara A. Zimmerman / Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 5 (1967) p. 525 [doi]
1970 / Nuclear Explosions as a Nuclear Physics Tool / B. C. Diven / Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 20 (1970) p. 79 [doi]
1975 / Thermonuclear Reaction Rates, II / William A. Fowler ; Georgeanne R. Caughlan ; Barbara A. Zimmerman / Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 13 (1975) p. 69 [doi]
1978 / Outline of the development of the theory of direct nuclear reactions / G. Ray Satchler / Reviews of Modern Physics 50 (1978) p. 1 [doi]
1979 / The Discovery of Atomic Transmutation: Scientific Styles and Philosophies in France and Britain / Marjorie Malley / Isis 70 (1979) p. 213 [lien]