référentiel inertiel
1966 / Determination of the Inertial Frame of Reference / P. A. Wayman / Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 7 (1966) p. 138 [lien]
1966 / Inertial Frames of Reference / G. M. Clemence / Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 7 (1966) p. 10 [lien]
1967 / On Inertia and Inertial Frames of Reference / Herbert Dingle / Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 8 (1967) p. 252 [lien]
1981 / Inertial reference frames and gravitational forces / I. Santavy / European Journal of Physics 2 (1981) p. 220 [doi]
2005 / [Notes and Discussions] Conventions and inertial reference frames / Alberto A. Martínez / American Journal of Physics 73 (2005) p. 452 [doi]