capteur CCD
1986 / Charge-Coupled Devices in Astronomy / Craig D. Mackay / Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 24 (1986) p. 255 [doi]
1994 / Les capteurs CCD : initiation à la théorie et à la pratique / Jacques Cazenove ; Philippe Martinole ; Pascal Aymeric ; Yves Morand / Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens 762 (1994) p. 471 [lien]
2010 / [Nobel Lecture] CCD—An extension of man’s view / Willard S. Boyle / Reviews of Modern Physics 82 (2010) p. 2305 [doi]
2010 / [Nobel Lecture] Sand from centuries past: Send future voices fast / Charles K. Kao / Reviews of Modern Physics 82 (2010) p. 2299 [doi]
2010 / [Nobel Lecture] The invention and early history of the CCD / George E. Smith / Reviews of Modern Physics 82 (2010) p. 2307 [doi]