comète de Halley
1984 / Edmond Halley's Observations of Halley's Comet / D. W. Hughes; A. Drummond / Journal for the History of Astronomy 15 (1984) p. 189 [lien]
1984 / The glory of gravity—Halley's Comet 1759 / Ruth Wallis / Annals of Science 41 (1984) p. 279 [doi]
1985 / The First Predicted Return of Comet Halley / Broughton, P. / Journal for the History of Astronomy 16 (1985) p. 123 [lien]
1985 / The position of earth at previous apparitions of Halley's comet / D. W. Hughes / Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 26 (1985) p. 513 [lien]
1986 / Comet Halley's First Expected Return - English Apprehensions 1755-58 / C. B. Waff / Journal for the History of Astronomy 17 (1986) p. 1 [lien]
1986 / La comete de Halley a travers les ouvrages et manuscrits de l'Observatoire de Paris / Josette Alexandre / Isis 77 (1986) p. 79 [lien]
1986 / Sur la « comète de Halley » et son « retour » en 1986 / René Taton / Revue d'histoire des sciences 39 (1986) p. 289 [doi]
1988 / The interaction of the solar wind with Comet Halley - Upwind and downwind / C. T. Russell / Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 29 (1988) p. 157 [lien]
1988 / Was Comet Halley Seen in Armenia in 1066? / V. G. Gurzadyan / Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 29 (1988) p. 275 [lien]
1989 / Is Comet p/ Halley of A.D. 684 Recorded in the Nuremberg Chronicle? / R. J. M. Olson ; J. M. Pasachoff / Journal for the History of Astronomy 20 (1989) p. 171 [lien]
1989 / Missing Halley's Comet: The Politics of Big Science / John M. Logsdon / Isis 80 (1989) p. 254 [lien]
1991 / Halley's Comet and the Ghost Event of 10BC / C. Cullen / Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 32 (1991) p. 113 [lien]
1991 / [Search and Discovery] A Surprise from the Predictable Comet Halley / Barbara Goss Levi / Physics Today 44 (1991) p. 20 [doi]
1993 / Clairaut's Calculation of the Eighteenth-century Return of Halley's Comet / Curtis Wilson / Journal for the History of Astronomy 24 (1993) p. 1 [lien]
1999 / The Path of Halley's Comet, and Newton's Late Apprehension of the Law of Gravity / Nicholas Kollerstrom / Annals of Science 56 (1999) p. 331 [doi]
2000 / L'avez-vous vue, la comète ? / / Ciel et Espace 367 (2000) p. 18
2008 / [Histoire] Halley vint, et les comètes tournèrent / Arkan Simaan / Ciel et Espace 462 (2008) p. 60