rayons X
1937 / The Discovery of X-Rays / W. C. Rontgen ; George Sarton / Isis 26 (1937) p. 349 [lien]
1938 / Some Bibliographical Notes on the First Publication on the Roentgen Rays / E. Weil / Isis 29 (1938) p. 362 [lien]
1956 / The Discovery of X-Ray / George I. Manes / Isis 47 (1956) p. 236 [lien]
1967 / The Kossel-Sommerfeld Theory and the Ring Atom / John L. Heilbron / Isis 58 (1967) p. 450 [lien]
1968 / Biography of the X Unit—The X-Ray Wavelength Scale / John S. Thomsen ; A. F. Burr / American Journal of Physics 36 (1968) p. 803 [doi]
1968 / Moseley's Interpretation of X-Ray Spectra / P. M. Heimann / Centaurus 12 (1968) p. 261 [doi]
1969 / The discovery of the diffraction of X-rays by crystals; a critique of the myths / Paul Forman / Archive for history of exact sciences 6 (1969) p. 38 [doi]
1969 / The myth of myths; comments on P. Forman's paper on “the discovery of the diffraction of X-rays in crystals” / P. P. Ewald / Archive for history of exact sciences 6 (1969) p. 72 [doi]
1969 / [Resource Letter] XR-1 : X Rays / Leonard Muldawer / American Journal of Physics 37 (1969) p. 123 [doi]
1971 / William H. Bragg's Corpuscular Theory of X-Rays and $\gamma$-Rays / Roger H. Stuewer / The British Journal for the History of Science 5 (1971) p. 258 [doi]
1981 / Impulse X-Rays and Radiant Intensity: The Double Edge of Analogy / Bruce R. Wheaton / Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 11 (1981) p. 367 [doi]
1985 / Soft-X-Ray Microscopes / Malcolm Howells ; Janos Kirz ; David Sayre ; Günter Schmahl / Physics Today 38 (1985) p. 22 [doi]
1987 / Why Do Stars Emit X Rays? / Eugene N. Parker / Physics Today 40 (1987) p. 36 [doi]
1991 / Les microscopes à rayons X / Malcom Howells ; Janos Kirz ; David Sayre / Pour la Science 162 (1991) p. 62
1992 / La réflectivité des rayons X / Jean-Jacques Benattar / La Recherche 244 (1992) p. 722
1992 / New Opportunities at Soft-X-Ray Wavelengths / David Attwood / Physics Today 45 (1992) p. 24 [doi]
1994 / Les étoiles binaires émettrices de rayons X / Edward van den Heuvel ; Jan van Paradijs / Pour la Science 195 (1994) p. 60
1994 / Physiciens et chimistes de l'invisible / Anne Lefèvre / Cahiers de Science et Vie 24 (1994) p. 38
1994 / Stanford's Supervoltage X-Ray Tube / Bruce Hevly / Osiris2 9 (1994) p. 85 [lien]
1994 / [Search and Discovery] Tabletop Capillary-Discharge Soft-X-Ray Laser Demonstrated / Graham P. Collins / Physics Today 47 (1994) p. 19 [doi]
1995 / 1995 : centenaire de la découverte des rayons X / Bruno Jech / Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens 779 (1995) p. 1887 [lien]
1995 / Recent Applications of X Rays in Condensed Matter Physics / Jens Als-Nielsen ; Gerhard Materlik / Physics Today 48 (1995) p. 34 [doi]
1995 / Special Issue: X Rays 100 Years Later / / Physics Today 48 (1995) p. 0 [lien]
1995 / Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen and the Glimmer of Light / Howard H. Seliger / Physics Today 48 (1995) p. 25 [doi]
1995 / X Rays From the Rest of the Universe / David J. Helfand / Physics Today 48 (1995) p. 58 [doi]
1995 / X Rays in Medicine / William R. Hendee / Physics Today 48 (1995) p. 51 [doi]
1995 / X Rays in Molecular Biophysics / Wayne A. Hendrickson / Physics Today 48 (1995) p. 42 [doi]
1995 / [Histoire] Les étranges rayons du professeur Röntgen / André Guinier / La Recherche 281 (1995) p. 86
1995 / [Présence de l'histoire] La découverte des rayons X / Graham Farmelo / Pour la Science 217 (1995) p. 12
1995 / [Search and Discovery] X Rays Illuminate Dynamics on Near-Atomic Length Scales / Ray Ladbury / Physics Today 48 (1995) p. 22 [doi]
1996 / [Search and Discovery] Researchers Glance at Magnetic Surfaces with Synchrotron X Rays / Ray Ladbury / Physics Today 49 (1996) p. 21 [doi]
1998 / Les flashes X prennent les atomes de vitesse / Antoine Rousse / La Recherche 315 (1998) p. 46
1999 / Les nouvelles sources de rayons X / Massimo Altarelli ; Fred Schlachter ; Jane Cross / Pour la Science 256 (1999) p. 74
1999 / Les sources du rayonnement X mou / Peter Kahabka ; Edward van der Heuvel ; Saul Rappaport / Pour la Science 258 (1999) p. 76
1999 / The KLMN of X-Ray Spectroscopy: Dolejšek’s Discovery of the N Series / Bretislav Friedrich / Physics in Perspective 1 (1999) p. 384 [doi]
2000 / Baring the Sole: The Rise and Fall of the Shoe-Fitting Fluoroscope / Jacalyn Duffin ; Charles R. R. Hayter / Isis 91 (2000) p. 260 [lien]
2000 / Phase-Sensitive X-Ray Imaging / Richard Fitzgerald / Physics Today 53 (2000) p. 23 [doi]
2000 / [Search and Discovery] Chandra Probes Deeper into the Mystery of the X-Ray Background / Charles Day / Physics Today 53 (2000) p. 18 [doi]
2001 / Instrumentation in X-ray crystallography: Past, present and future / U. W. Arndt / Notes and Records 55 (2001) p. 457 [doi]
2001 / Science with Soft X Rays / Neville Smith / Physics Today 54 (2001) p. 29 [doi]
2001 / [Search and Discovery] X-ray and gamma-ray Holography Improve Views of Atoms in Solids / Richard Fitzgerald / Physics Today 54 (2001) p. 21 [doi]
2002 / Making the Invisible Visible: Röntgen's Mysterious X Rays / Brian S. Baigrie / Optics and Photonics News 13 (2002) p. 40 [lien]
2005 / X-rays as Evidence in German Orthopedic Surgery, 1895–1900 / Andrew Warwick / Isis 96 (2005) p. 1 [doi]
2008 / [Search and Discovery] Dark-field imaging is demonstrated with a conventional hard-x-ray source / Bertram Schwarzschild / Physics Today 61 (2008) p. 12 [doi]
2009 / [Search and Discovery] A three-dimensional x-ray image of a single pair of human chromosomes / Charles Day / Physics Today 62 (2009) p. 20 [doi]
2010 / Eugen von Gothard and His X-Ray Experiments / Ildikó J. Vincze ; István Jankovics / Physics in Perspective 12 (2010) p. 25 [doi]
2011 / [Search and Discovery] X rays from a free-electron laser resolve the structures of complex biomolecules / R. Mark Wilson / Physics Today 64 (2011) p. 13 [doi]
2012 / X-ray imaging detectors / Sol M. Gruner / Physics Today 65 (2012) p. 29 [doi]
2013 / The Transformative Power of X-Rays in U.S. Scientific & Medical Litigation: Mechanical Objectivity in Smith v. Grant (1896) / Daniel S. Goldberg / Perspectives on Science 21 (2013) p. 23 [doi]
2013 / [Idées de physique] Des frottements classés X / Jean-Michel Courty ; Édouard Kierlik / Pour la Science 424 (2013) p. 90 [lien]
2014 / Le plus puissant faisceau de rayons X / Nora Berrah ; Philip Bucksbaum / Pour la Science 446 (2014) p. 54 [lien]
2014 / Produire des rayons X et gamma sur une table / Kim Ta Phuoc ; Cédric Thaury ; Sébastien Corde / Pour la Science 446 (2014) p. 46 [lien]
2014 / [Quick Study] What’s in that bottle? / Michelle Espy ; James Hunter ; Larry Schultz / Physics Today 67 (2014) p. 62 [doi]