tache solaire
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1966 / Galilée et les taches solaires (1610-1613) / Bernard Dame / Revue d'histoire des sciences 19 (1966) p. 307 [doi]
1968 / Did Anaxagoras Observe a Sunspot in 467 B.C.? / P. J. Bicknell / Isis 59 (1968) p. 87 [lien]
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1985 / Galileo's Proof for the Earth's Motion from the Movement of Sunspots / A. Mark Smith / Isis 76 (1985) p. 543 [lien]
1985 / J. R. Wolf and the zürich sunspot relative numbers / Alan Julian Izenman / The Mathematical Intelligencer 7 (1985) p. 27 [doi]
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1989 / Solar Seismology / John A. Eddy ; F. Richard Stephenson ; Kevin K. C. Yau / Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 30 (1989) p. 65 [lien]
1990 / Sunspots, Galileo, and the Orbit of the Earth / Keith Hutchison / Isis 81 (1990) p. 68 [lien]
1996 / Galileo and Scheiner on Sunspots: A Case Study in the Visual Language of Astronomy / Albert van Helden / Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 140 (1996) p. 358 [lien]
1996 / [Search and Discovery] Sound from Sunspots Generates Heat As Well As Light / Ray Ladbury / Physics Today 49 (1996) p. 20 [doi]
1999 / Galileo, Sunspots, and the Motions of the Earth: Redux / David Topper / Isis 90 (1999) p. 757 [lien]
2000 / An Unblemished Success: Galileo's Sunspot Argument in the Dialogue / Paul R. Mueller / Journal for the History of Astronomy 31 (2000) p. 279 [lien]
2004 / Fine Structure in Sunspots / John H. Thomas ; Nigel O. Weiss / Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 42 (2004) p. 517 [doi]
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2011 / Magnetic Structure of Sunspots / Juan M. Borrero ; Kiyoshi Ichimoto / Living Reviews in Solar Physics 8 (2011) p. 1 [doi]
2011 / The censoring of Galileo’s Sunspot Letters and the first phase of his trial / Thomas F. Mayer / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 42 (2011) p. 1 [doi]
2013 / Descartes and Sunspots: Matters of Fact and Systematizing Strategies in the Principia Philosophiae / John A. Schuster ; Judit Brody / Annals of Science 70 (2013) p. 1 [doi]