mécanique céleste
1952 / La mécanique céleste de J. A. Borelli / Alexandre Koyré / Revue d'histoire des sciences 5 (1952) p. 101 [doi]
1960 / The celestial mechanics of Leibniz / E.J. Aiton / Annals of Science 16 (1960) p. 65 [doi]
1962 / The celestial mechanics of Leibniz in the light of Newtonian criticism / E.J. Aiton / Annals of Science 18 (1962) p. 31 [doi]
1963 / Review of Celestial Mechanics / Dirk Brouwer / Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 1 (1963) p. 219 [doi]
1964 / The celestial mechanics of Leibniz : A new interpretation / E.J. Aiton / Annals of Science 20 (1964) p. 111 [doi]
1965 / An imaginary error in the celestial mechanics of Leibniz / E.J. Aiton / Annals of Science 21 (1965) p. 169 [doi]
1966 / The Estrangement of Celestial Mechanics and Religion / Herbert H. Odom / Journal of the History of Ideas 27 (1966) p. 533 [lien]
1976 / Elementary derivation of the perturbation equations of celestial mechanics / Joseph A. Burns / American Journal of Physics 44 (1976) p. 944 [doi]
2014 / The coming-to-be of Hansen’s method / Curtis Wilson ; William Harper / Archive for history of exact sciences 68 (2014) p. 409 [doi]