courant neutre
1977 / The Weak Neutral Current and its Effects in Stellar Collapse / Daniel Z. Freedman ; David N. Schramm ; David L. Tubbs / Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 27 (1977) p. 167 [doi]
1981 / A theoretical and experimental review of the weak neutral current: a determination of its structure and limits on deviations from the minimal SU(2)L×U(1) electroweak theory / Jihn E. Kim ; Paul Langacker ; M. Levine ; H. H. Williams / Reviews of Modern Physics 53 (1981) p. 211 [doi]
1981 / The Structure of Neutral Currents / P. Q. Hung ; J. J. Sakurai / Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 31 (1981) p. 375 [doi]
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1984 / Against putting the phenomena first: The discovery of the weak neutral current / Andy Pickering / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 15 (1984) p. 85 [doi]
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1994 / Les courants neutres avec changement de saveur / David Cline / Pour la Science 205 (1994) p. 48
1994 / Neutral currents and the history of scientific ideas / Arthur I. Miller ; Frederick W. Bullock / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 25 (1994) p. 895 [doi]
2014 / A Matter of Kuhnian Theory-Choice? The GWS Model and the Neutral Current / Samuel Schindler / Perspectives on Science 22 (2014) p. 491 [doi]