formule de Stirling
1983 / [Letters to the Editor] An improved analytical approximation to n! / Yitzhak Weissman / American Journal of Physics 51 (1983) p. 9 [doi]
1983 / [Letters to the Editor] Analytical approximations to n! / John D. Vedder / American Journal of Physics 51 (1983) p. 778 [doi]
1983 / [Letters to the Editor] Improving an improved approximation to n! / N. David Mermin / American Journal of Physics 51 (1983) p. 776 [doi]
1984 / Stirling's formula! / N. David Mermin / American Journal of Physics 52 (1984) p. 362 [doi]
1984 / [Letters to the Editor] Another improvement to Stirling's approximation / D. B. Chesnut / American Journal of Physics 52 (1984) p. 299 [doi]
1985 / Mathematical basis for Weissman's approximation to n! / R. K. Pathria / American Journal of Physics 53 (1985) p. 81 [doi]