tables alphonsines
1986 / The Star Catalogue Commonly Appended to the Alfonsine Tables / P. Kunitzsch / Journal for the History of Astronomy 17 (1986) p. 89 [lien]
1988 / An Hypothesis on the Epoch of Ptolemy's Star Catalogue According to the Authors of the Alfonsine Tables / J. Samso ; F. Castello / Journal for the History of Astronomy 19 (1988) p. 115 [lien]
1988 / The Alfonsine Tables and Alfonso X of Castille / E. Poulle / Journal for the History of Astronomy 19 (1988) p. 97 [lien]
1994 / Planetary and Lunar Velocities in the Castilian Alfonsine Tables / Bernard R. Goldstein ; José Chabás ; José Luis Mancha / Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 138 (1994) p. 61 [lien]
2001 / The maximum solar equation in the Alfonsine tables / Bernard R. Goldstein ; José Chabás / Journal for the History of Astronomy 32 (2001) p. 345 [lien]
2002 / The Diffusion of the Alfonsine Tables: The case of the Tabulae resolutae / José Chabás / Perspectives on Science 10 (2002) p. 168 [doi]
2003 / Were the Alfonsine Tables of Toledo First Used by Their Authors? / José Chabás / Centaurus 45 (2003) p. 142 [doi]
2004 / Alfonsine Tables of Toledo and later Alfonsine tables / N. M. Swerdlow / Journal for the History of Astronomy 35 (2004) p. 479 [lien]