Tycho Brahe
1963 / Was Tycho Brahe as Influential as he Thought? / C. Doris Hellman / The British Journal for the History of Science 1 (1963) p. 295 [doi]
1967 / An Early Instance of Deductive Discovery: Tycho Brahe's Lunar Theory / Victor E. Thoren / Isis 58 (1967) p. 19 [lien]
1967 / Tycho Brahe at the University of Copenhagen, 1559-1562 / John Christianson / Isis 58 (1967) p. 198 [lien]
1968 / Tycho Brahe's Cosmology from the Astrologia of 1591 / John Christianson ; Tycho Brahe / Isis 59 (1968) p. 312 [lien]
1968 / Tycho Brahe's Discovery of the Variation / Victor E. Thoren / Centaurus 12 (1968) p. 151 [doi]
1972 / An 'Unpublished' Version of Tycho Brahe's Lunar Theory / Victor R. Thoren / Centaurus 16 (1972) p. 203 [doi]
1973 / New Light on Tycho's Instruments / Victor E. Thoren / Journal for the History of Astronomy 4 (1973) p. 25 [lien]
1973 / Tycho Brahe: Past and Future Research / V. E. Thoren / History of Science 11 (1973) p. 270 [lien]
1975 / Tychonian Observations, Perfect Numbers, and the Date of Creation: Longomontanus's Solar and Precessional Theories / Kristian Peder Moesgaard / Journal for the History of Astronomy 6 (1975) p. 84 [lien]
1978 / The Accuracy of Tycho Brahe's Instruments / Walter G. Wesley / Journal for the History of Astronomy 9 (1978) p. 42 [lien]
1979 / Tycho Brahe's German Treatise on the Comet of 1577: A Study in Science and Politics / J. R. Christianson ; Tycho Brahe / Isis 70 (1979) p. 110 [lien]
1979 / Tycho Brahe's Solar Observations / W. G. Wesley / Journal for the History of Astronomy 10 (1979) p. 96 [lien]
1981 / In defense of Tycho Brahe / Edward Rosen / Archive for history of exact sciences 24 (1981) p. 257 [doi]
1981 / Kepler, Tycho, and the ‘Optical Part of Astronomy’: the genesis of Kepler's theory of pinhole images / Stephen Straker / Archive for history of exact sciences 24 (1981) p. 267 [doi]
1986 / Laboratory Design and the Aim of Science: Andreas Libavius versus Tycho Brahe / Owen Hannaway / Isis 77 (1986) p. 585 [lien]
1989 / Tycho Brahe's Discovery of Changes in Star Latitudes / Kristian Peder Moesgaard / Centaurus 32 (1989) p. 310 [doi]
1990 / Tycho Brahe's Critique of Copernicus and the Copernican System / Ann Blair / Journal of the History of Ideas 51 (1990) p. 355 [lien]
1991 / Tycho's system and Galileo's dialogue / Howard Margolis / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 22 (1991) p. 259 [doi]
1993 / Tycho Brahe, Laboratory Design, and the Aim of Science: Reading Plans in Context / Jole Shackelford / Isis 84 (1993) p. 211 [lien]
1998 / Determination of the Sun's Orbit / Y. Maeyama / Archive for history of exact sciences 53 (1998) p. 1 [doi]
1998 / The role of biblical interpretation in the cosmology of Tycho Brahe / Kenneth J Howell / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 29 (1998) p. 515 [doi]
1998 / Tycho Brahe in Scandinavian Scholarship / J. R. Christianson / History of Science 36 (1998) p. 467 [lien]
1998 / Tycho Brahe's Copernican campaign / O. Gingerich ; J. R. Voelkel / Journal for the History of Astronomy 29 (1998) p. 1 [lien]
2002 / The Legacy of Tycho Brahe / J. R. Christianson / Centaurus 44 (2002) p. 228 [doi]
2004 / Kepler a-t-il tué Tycho Brahé ? Portrait de l'astronome en psychopathe / Leila Haddad / Ciel et Espace 414 (2004) p. 60
2004 / Tycho Brahe's Early Lunar Theory and the Lunar Eclipse of 31 January 1599 / N. M. Swerdlow / Centaurus 46 (2004) p. 1 [doi]
2005 / Tycho v. Ursus: The Build-up to a Trial, Part 2 / Nicholas Jardine ; Katherine Harloe ; Dieter Launert ; Alain Segonds / Journal for the History of Astronomy 36 (2005) p. 125 [lien]
2005 / Tycho v. Ursus: the build-up to a trial, Part 1 / Nicholas Jardine ; Katherine Harloe ; Dieter Launert ; Alain Segonds / Journal for the History of Astronomy 36 (2005) p. 81 [lien]
2006 / Did Tycho Eliminate the Celestial Spheres Before 1586? / Miguel A. Granada / Journal for the History of Astronomy 37 (2006) p. 125 [lien]
2006 / Teratology and the Publication of Tycho Brahe's New World System (1588) / Steven vanden Broecke / Journal for the History of Astronomy 37 (2006) p. 1 [lien]
2008 / Life in the Liquid Fields: Kepler, Tycho and Gilbert on the Nature of the Heavens and Earth / P. J. Boner / History of Science 46 (2008) p. 275 [lien]
2008 / Stoic alternatives to Aristotelian cosmology : Pena, Rothmann and Brahe / Peter Barker / Revue d'histoire des sciences 61 (2008) p. 265 [doi]
2009 / The Lunar Theories of Tycho Brahe and Christian Longomontanus in the Progymnasmata and Astronomia Danica / N.M. Swerdlow / Annals of Science 66 (2009) p. 5 [doi]