résonance magnétique nucléaire (RMN)
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1993 / Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Bulk Matter / George E. Pake / Physics Today 46 (1993) p. 46 [doi]
1994 / Purcell's role in the discovery of nuclear magnetic resonance: Contingency versus inevitability / Mark Gerstein / American Journal of Physics 62 (1994) p. 596 [doi]
1997 / La spectroscopie de résonance magnétique nucléaire / Philippe Goyer / Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens 795 (1997) p. 145 [lien]
1998 / The Golden Anniversary of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance NMR: Fifty Years of Surprises / Charles P. Slichter / Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 142 (1998) p. 533 [lien]
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2004 / Chemistry in a Physical Mode: Molecular Spectroscopy and the Emergence of NMR / Carsten Reinhardt / Annals of Science 61 (2004) p. 1 [doi]
2006 / A Lead User of Instruments in Science : John D. Roberts and the Adaptation of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance to Organic Chemistry, 1955–1975 / Carsten Reinhardt / Isis 97 (2006) p. 205 [doi]
2010 / Robert Vivian Pound and the Discovery of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Condensed Matter / Ursula Pavlish / Physics in Perspective 12 (2010) p. 180 [doi]
2011 / [Search and Discovery] Ultralow magnetic fields elicit unexplained spin dynamics in water / Ashley G. Smart / Physics Today 64 (2011) p. 14 [doi]
2012 / Le principe de la résonance magnétique nucléaire illustré par une expérience de cours / Patrick Chaquin / Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens 941 (2012) p. 139 [lien]
2012 / Modèles et interprétations en spectroscopie de RMN / Jean-Nicolas Dumez / Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens 942 (2012) p. 253 [lien]
2013 / Zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance / Micah P. Ledbetter ; Dmitry Budker / Physics Today 66 (2013) p. 44 [doi]
2013 / [Notes and Discussions] A note on the gyromagnetic properties of the hydrogens / G. D. Severn ; J. P. Bolender / American Journal of Physics 81 (2013) p. 873 [doi]
2014 / [Quick Study] What’s in that bottle? / Michelle Espy ; James Hunter ; Larry Schultz / Physics Today 67 (2014) p. 62 [doi]