loi de la gravitation universelle
1967 / Hooke and the Law of Universal Gravitation: A Reappraisal of a Reappraisal
/ Richard S. Westfall / The British Journal for the History of Science 3 (1967) p. 245 [doi]
1987 / Newton's Third Law and Universal Gravity / I. Bernard Cohen / Journal of the History of Ideas 48 (1987) p. 571 [lien]
1989 / Christiaan Huygens and Newton's Theory of Gravitation / H. A. M. Snelders / Notes and Records 43 (1989) p. 209 [doi]
1990 / [Resource Letter] MNG-1: Measurements of Newtonian gravitation / G. T. Gillies / American Journal of Physics 58 (1990) p. 525 [doi]
1996 / Fraud and Illusion in the Anti-Newtonian Rear Guard: The Coultaud-Mercier Affair and Bertier's Experiments, 1767-1777 / James Evans / Isis 87 (1996) p. 74 [lien]
2001 / [Présence de l'histoire] Mystification à l'Académie / Jean-Paul Poirier / Pour la Science 288 (2001) p. 12 [lien]
2005 / Robert Hooke’s Seminal Contribution to Orbital Dynamics / Michael Nauenberg / Physics in Perspective 7 (2005) p. 4 [doi]
2005 / The Archaeology of the Inverse Square Law: (1) Metaphysical Images and Mathematical Practices / O. Gal ; R. Chen-Morris / History of Science 43 (2005) p. 391 [lien]
2006 / The Archaeology of the Inverse Square Law: (2) The Use and Non-use of Mathematics / O. Gal ; R. Chen-Morris / History of Science 44 (2006) p. 49 [lien]