Carl Gauss
1956 / Le Journal mathématique de Gauss. Traduction française annotée / J. P. Lafon ; P. Eymard / Revue d'histoire des sciences 9 (1956) p. 21 [doi]
1971 / Gauss and the Discovery of Ceres / Eric G. Forbes / Journal for the History of Astronomy 2 (1971) p. 195 [lien]
1971 / The correspondence between Carl Friedrich Gauss and the Rev. Nevil Maskelyne (1802–5) / Eric G. Forbes / Annals of Science 27 (1971) p. 213 [doi]
1972 / The Myth of Gauss' Experiment on the Euclidean Nature of Physical Space / Arthur I. Miller / Isis 63 (1972) p. 345 [lien]
1978 / Sur une édition de la correspondance de Gauss avec A. von Humboldt / Pierre Dugac / Revue d'histoire des sciences 31 (1978) p. 361 [doi]
1979 / C.F. Gauss and the theory of errors / O. B. Sheynin / Archive for history of exact sciences 20 (1979) p. 21 [doi]
1983 / Gauss and the Royal Society: The Reception of His Ideas on Magnetism in Britain (1832-1842) / James Gabriel O'Hara / Notes and Records 38 (1983) p. 17 [doi]
1984 / Gauß‘ Method for Measuring the Terrestrial Magnetic Force in Absolute Measure: Its Invention and Introduction in Geomagnetic Research / James G. O'Hara / Centaurus 27 (1984) p. 121 [doi]
1985 / Gauss and the history of the fast Fourier transform / Michael T. Heideman ; Don H. Johnson ; C. Sidney Burrus / Archive for history of exact sciences 34 (1985) p. 265 [doi]
1989 / Gauss et la méthode des moindres carrés / Jean-Luc Chabert / Revue d'histoire des sciences 42 (1989) p. 5 [doi]
1994 / C. F. Gauss and geodetic observations / Oscar Sheynin / Archive for history of exact sciences 46 (1994) p. 253 [doi]
2007 / Gauss, Meyerstein and Hanoverian Metrology / Klaus Hentschel / Annals of Science 64 (2007) p. 41 [doi]
2008 / Karl Friedrich Gauss, un mathématicien qui fait date / Élisabeth Busser / Tangente 124 (2008) p. 10