Edwin Hubble
1974 / Edwin Hubble on Adriaan van Maanen's Internal Motions in Spiral Nebulae / Norriss S. Hetherington / Isis 65 (1974) p. 390 [lien]
1982 / Philosophical Values and Observation in Edwin Hubble's Choice of a Model of the Universe / Norriss S. Hetherington / Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 13 (1982) p. 41 [doi]
1990 / Edwin P. Hubble and the Transformation of Cosmology / Robert W. Smith / Physics Today 43 (1990) p. 52 [doi]
1992 / Walter S. Adams and the Imposed Settlement Between Hubble and Van-Maanen / N. S. Hetherington ; R. S. Brashear / Journal for the History of Astronomy 23 (1992) p. 53 [lien]
1993 / Edwin Hubble et l'expansion de l'Univers / D. Osterbrock ; J. Gwinn ; R. Brashear / Pour la Science 191 (1993) p. 70
2002 / Cautious revolutionaries: Maxwell, Planck, Hubble / Stephen G. Brush / American Journal of Physics 70 (2002) p. 119 [doi]
2003 / Who Discovered the Expanding Universe? / H. Kragh ; R. W. Smith / History of Science 41 (2003) p. 141 [lien]
2012 / [Histoire des Sciences] L'affaire Hubble-Lemaître résolue / Dominique Lambert / Pour la Science 412 (2012) p. 78 [lien]