amas globulaire
1970 / Stellar Evolution in Globular Clusters / Martin Schwarzschild / Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 11 (1970) p. 12 [lien]
1978 / The dynamical evolution of globular clusters / Alan P. Lightman ; Stuart L. Shapiro / Reviews of Modern Physics 50 (1978) p. 437 [doi]
1979 / Globular Clusters in Galaxies / William E. Harris ; René Racine / Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 17 (1979) p. 241 [doi]
1981 / The Dynamics of Globular Clusters / Ivan R. King / Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 22 (1981) p. 227 [lien]
1987 / Dynamical Evolution of Globular Clusters / Rebecca Elson ; Piet Hut ; Shago Inagaki / Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 25 (1987) p. 565 [doi]
1991 / Globular Cluster Systems in Galaxies Beyond the Local Group / William E. Harris / Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 29 (1991) p. 543 [doi]
1996 / The age of the galactic globular cluster system / Don A. VandenBerg ; Michael Bolte ; Peter B. Stetson / Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 34 (1996) p. 461 [doi]
1997 / [Search and Discovery] Hipparcos Parallax Data May Reconcile Ages of Globular Clusters and the Universe / Bertram Schwarzschild / Physics Today 50 (1997) p. 19 [doi]
2000 / Bailey, Shapley, and variable stars in globular clusters / H. A. Smith / Journal for the History of Astronomy 31 (2000) p. 185 [lien]
2000 / The age of globular clusters / Lawrence M. Krauss / Physics Reports 333 (2000) p. 33 [doi]
2003 / Notre position dans la Galaxie : lecture d'un article historique de Harlow Shapley en 1918 / Jean-Noël Terry / Cahiers Clairaut 102 (2003) p. 23 [lien]
2004 / Du fond découle la forme / Azar Khalatbari / Ciel et Espace 414 (2004) p. 34
2004 / L'étonnante jeunesse des amas globulaires / Steven Zepf ; Keith Ashman / Pour la Science 315 (2004) p. 36 [lien]
2013 / Chaos au centre des amas globulaires / Raphaël Chevrier / Ciel et Espace 513 (2013) p. 32
2013 / [Thema] M15, anatomie d'un amas globulaire / Sylvain Guilbaud ; Philippe Henarejos / Ciel et Espace 522 (2013) p. 48