Eugene Wigner
1992 / Fermi and Wigner / Frederick Seitz / American Journal of Physics 60 (1992) p. 875 [doi]
1995 / Eugene Paul Wigner: A Towering Figure of Modern Physics / Erich Vogt / Physics Today 48 (1995) p. 40 [doi]
1995 / Symmetry in Physics: Wigner's Legacy / David J. Gross / Physics Today 48 (1995) p. 46 [doi]
1997 / [Obituaries] Eugene Paul Wigner / Alvin M. Weinberg / Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 141 (1997) p. 376 [lien]
2009 / The emergence of selection rules and their encounter with group theory, 1913–1927 / Arianna Borrelli / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 40 (2009) p. 327 [doi]