relativité restreinte
1959 / Sur les origines de la théorie de la relativité restreinte / T. Kahan / Revue d'histoire des sciences 12 (1959) p. 159 [doi]
1968 / Henri Poincaré's Mathematical Contributions to Relativity and the Poincaré Stresses / Camillo Cuvaj / American Journal of Physics 36 (1968) p. 1102 [doi]
1968 / The Advantage of Teaching Relativity with Four-Vectors / Robert W. Brehme / American Journal of Physics 36 (1968) p. 896 [doi]
1969 / The Lorentz Theory of Electrons and Einstein's Theory of Relativity / Stanley Goldberg / American Journal of Physics 37 (1969) p. 982 [doi]
1970 / In Defense of Ether: The British Response to Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity, 1905-1911 / Stanley Goldberg / Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 2 (1970) p. 89 [doi]
1970 / Poincare's Silence and Einstein's Relativity: The Role of Theory and Experiment in Poincaré's Physics / Stanley Goldberg / The British Journal for the History of Science 5 (1970) p. 73 [doi]
1971 / Poincaré's Rendiconti Paper on Relativity. Part I / H. M. Schwartz / American Journal of Physics 39 (1971) p. 1287 [doi]
1971 / Relativistic Thermodynamics / Herbert Callen ; Gerald Horwitz / American Journal of Physics 39 (1971) p. 938 [doi]
1971 / The social roots of Einstein's theory of relativity / Lewis S. Feuer / Annals of Science 27 (1971) p. 277 [doi]
1971 / The social roots of Einstein's theory of relativity. Part—II / Lewis S. Feuer / Annals of Science 27 (1971) p. 313 [doi]
1972 / Poincaré's Rendiconti Paper On Relativity. Part II / H. M. Schwartz / American Journal of Physics 40 (1972) p. 862 [doi]
1972 / Poincaré's Rendiconti Paper on Relativity. Part III / H. M. Schwartz / American Journal of Physics 40 (1972) p. 1282 [doi]
1974 / Fresnel Drag and the Principle of Relativity / Ronald Newburgh / Isis 65 (1974) p. 379 [lien]
1976 / Max Planck's Philosophy of Nature and His Elaboration of the Special Theory of Relativity / Stanley Goldberg / Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 7 (1976) p. 125 [doi]
1977 / Einstein's comprehensive 1907 essay on relativity, part I / H. M. Schwartz / American Journal of Physics 45 (1977) p. 512 [doi]
1977 / Einstein's comprehensive 1907 essay on relativity, part II / H. M. Schwartz / American Journal of Physics 45 (1977) p. 811 [doi]
1977 / Einstein's comprehensive 1907 essay on relativity, part III / H. M. Schwartz / American Journal of Physics 45 (1977) p. 899 [doi]
1977 / Einstein's first paper on relativity / H. M. Schwartz / American Journal of Physics 45 (1977) p. 18 [doi]
1977 / Hermann Minkowski and Einstein's special theory of relativity / Lewis Pyenson / Archive for history of exact sciences 17 (1977) p. 71 [doi]
1977 / Logical economy in Einstein's “ on the electrodynamics of moving bodies” / Robert B. Williamson / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 8 (1977) p. 49 [doi]
1977 / The physics of Einstein's relativity paper of 1905 and the electromagnetic world picture of 1905 / Arthur I. Miller / American Journal of Physics 45 (1977) p. 1040 [doi]
1979 / L'introduction aux idées fondamentales de la relativité restreinte / R. Lennuier / Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens 73 (1979) p. 1147 [lien]
1979 / La relativité restreinte : Histoire d'une naissance / F. Tuffin / Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens 73 (1979) p. 1133 [lien]
1980 / La relativité en classe de Terminale / Paul Bramand / Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens 74 (1980) p. 1015 [lien]
1980 / Quelques paradoxes en relativité / Hubert Gié / Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens 74 (1980) p. 1029 [lien]
1981 / Les diagrammes énergie-quantité de mouvement en relativité restreinte / Hubert Gié / Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens 75 (1981) p. 1079 [lien]
1982 / Relativity in late Wilhelmian Germany: The appeal to a preestablished harmony between mathematics and physics / Lewis Pyenson / Archive for history of exact sciences 27 (1982) p. 137 [doi]
1982 / The Italian Mathematicians of Relativity / Judith R. Goodstein / Centaurus 26 (1982) p. 241 [doi]
1983 / William Wallace Campbell and the "Einstein Problem": An Observational Astronomer Confronts the Theory of Relativity / Jeffrey Crelinsten / Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 14 (1983) p. 1 [doi]
1986 / Special Relativity as a Step in the Development of the Quantum Programme: Revolution in a Revolution / R. M. Nugayev / Centaurus 29 (1986) p. 100 [doi]
1988 / A Relativistic Account of Einstein's Relativity / Bruno Latour / Social Studies of Science 18 (1988) p. 3 [lien]
1988 / How I did not discover relativity / Jacques Hadamard / The Mathematical Intelligencer 10 (1988) p. 65 [doi]
1988 / The Observer's Frame of Reference in Natural and Social Science: A Response to Latour / John A. Schumacher / Social Studies of Science 18 (1988) p. 523 [lien]
1991 / On the Chemico-Thermal Origins of Special Relativity / Seiya Abiko / Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 22 (1991) p. 1 [doi]
1992 / Cambridge mathematics and Cavendish physics: Cunningham, Campbell and Einstein's relativity 1905–1911 Part I: The uses of theory / Andrew Warwick / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 23 (1992) p. 625 [doi]
1992 / Einstein's attitude towards experiments: Testing relativity theory 1907–1927 / Klaus Hentschel / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 23 (1992) p. 593 [doi]
1992 / Relativistic collisions: The work of Christian Møller in the early 1930s / Helge Kragh / Archive for history of exact sciences 43 (1992) p. 299 [doi]
1993 / Cambridge mathematics and Cavendish physics: Cunningham, Campbell and Einstein's relativity 1905–1911 part II: Comparing traditions in Cambridge physics / Andrew Warwick / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 24 (1993) p. 1 [doi]
1993 / Predicting the future in relativistic spacetimes / Mark Hogarth / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 24 (1993) p. 721 [doi]
1994 / Early reception of Einstein's relativity in the Arab periodical press / Adel A. Ziadat / Annals of Science 51 (1994) p. 17 [doi]
1994 / Is there a relativistic thermodynamics? A case study of the meaning of special relativity / Chuang Liu / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 25 (1994) p. 983 [doi]
1994 / The Italian physics community and the crisis of classical physics: New radiations, quanta and relativity (1896–1925) / Giuseppe Giuliani ; Paolantonio Marazzini / Annals of Science 51 (1994) p. 355 [doi]
1995 / The definition of rigidity in the special theory of relativity and the genesis of the general theory of relativity / Giulio Maltese ; Lucia Orlando / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 26 (1995) p. 263 [doi]
1996 / The Electrodynamic Origins of Relativity Theory / Olivier Darrigol / Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 26 (1996) p. 241 [doi]
1996 / [Reference Frame] The Golemization of Relativity / N. David Mermin / Physics Today 49 (1996) p. 11 [doi]
1997 / A star in the Minkowskian sky: Anisotropic special relativity / Tim Budden / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 28 (1997) p. 325 [doi]
1997 / Hermann Minkowski and the postulate of relativity / Leo Corry / Archive for history of exact sciences 51 (1997) p. 273 [doi]
1998 / Conventionality of synchronisation, gauge dependence and test theories of relativity / R. Anderson ; I. Vetharaniam ; G.E. Stedman / Physics Reports 295 (1998) p. 93 [doi]
1998 / Einstein’s 1935 Derivation of E=mc2 / Francisco Flores / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 29 (1998) p. 223 [doi]
1998 / On the Histories of Relativity: The Propagation and Elaboration of Relativity Theory in Participant Histories in Germany, 1905-1911 / Richard Staley / Isis 89 (1998) p. 263 [lien]
1998 / Sounds Like Light: Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity and Mach’s Work in Acoustics and Aerodynamics / Susan G Sterrett / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 29 (1998) p. 1 [doi]
1999 / A century of relativity / Irwin I. Shapiro / Reviews of Modern Physics 71 (1999) p. 41 [doi]
1999 / Why was Relativity Accepted? / Stephen G. Brush / Physics in Perspective 1 (1999) p. 184 [doi]
2000 / Einstein's Kyoto Address: "How I Created the Theory of Relativity" / Seiya Abiko / Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 31 (2000) p. 1 [doi]
2000 / La relativité, mariage du temps, de l'espace et de la matière / Olivier Lengard / Tangente 8 (2000) p. 36
2000 / Poincaré's Contributions to Relativistic Dynamics / Galina Granek / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 31 (2000) p. 15 [doi]
2000 / The late entrance of relativity into Italian scientific community (1906-1930) / Giulio Maltese / Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 31 (2000) p. 125 [doi]
2001 / Le train fantôme de la relativité restreinte / Peter Galison / La Recherche Hors-Serie 5 (2001) p. 30
2001 / Spacetime without Reference Frames: An Application to the Velocity Addition Paradox / T. Matolcsi ; A. Goher / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 32 (2001) p. 83 [doi]
2002 / Les écrits épistémologiques de Poincaré, obstacles à la diffusion de la relativité ? / Vincent Borella / Revue d'histoire des sciences 55 (2002) p. 45 [doi]
2002 / Reconsidering a Scientific Revolution: The Case of Einstein versus Lorentz / Michel Janssen / Physics in Perspective 4 (2002) p. 421 [doi]
2002 / [Bac to basics] La relativité restreinte / Elisa Brune ; Philippe Mergny / La Recherche 353 (2002) p. 50
2003 / On Einstein's distrust of the electromagnetic theory: The origin of the lightvelocity postulate / Seiya Abiko / Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 33 (2003) p. 193 [doi]
2003 / Relativity in the Global Positioning System / Neil Ashby / Living Reviews in Relativity 6 (2003) p. 1 [doi]
2004 / La « lumineuse » préhistoire de la relativité restreinte / Jean Eisenstaedt / Pour la Science 326 (2004) p. 50 [lien]
2004 / On a recent article by Seiya Abiko / Olivier Darrigol / Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 35 (2004) p. 153 [doi]
2004 / Organized criticism of Einstein and relativity in China, 1949–1989 / Danian Hu / Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 34 (2004) p. 311 [doi]
2004 / Reply to Olivier Darrigol / Seiya Abiko / Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 35 (2004) p. 157 [doi]
2004 / The Mystery of the Einstein–Poincaré Connection / Olivier Darrigol / Isis 95 (2004) p. 614 [doi]
2004 / The Relativity Revolution from the Perspective of Historical Epistemology / Jürgen Renn / Isis 95 (2004) p. 640 [doi]
2005 / How Einstein Made Asymmetry Disappear: Symmetry and Relativity in 1905 / Giora Hon ; Bernard R. Goldstein / Archive for history of exact sciences 59 (2005) p. 437 [doi]
2005 / La relativité, un siècle après / Jean-Marc Lévy-Leblond / Les Dossiers de La Recherche 18 (2005) p. 8
2005 / Light and Relativity, a Previously Unknown Eighteenth-Century Manuscript by Robert Blair (1748–1828) / Jean Eisenstaedt / Annals of Science 62 (2005) p. 347 [doi]
2005 / On Einstein's 1905 electrodynamics paper / W.L. Kennedy / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 36 (2005) p. 61 [doi]
2005 / Poincaré’s Relativistic Physics: Its Origins and Nature / Shaul Katzir / Physics in Perspective 7 (2005) p. 268 [doi]
2005 / [Histoire des Sciences] Faut-il réviser l'histoire de la relativité ? / Olivier Darrigol / Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens 876 (2005) p. 689 [lien]
2006 / Dismissing renewed attempts to deny Einstein the discovery of special relativity / Roger Cerf / American Journal of Physics 74 (2006) p. 818 [doi]
2006 / La relativité de Poincaré de 1905 et les transformations actives / Jean-Pierre Provost ; Christian Bracco / Archive for history of exact sciences 60 (2006) p. 337 [doi]
2006 / La relativité et la chimie des éléments / Martin Kaupp / Pour la Science 342 (2006) p. 84 [lien]
2006 / La relativité restreinte / / Élémentaire 3 (2006) p. 55 [lien]
2006 / Optics in the relativistic regime / Gerard A. Mourou ; Toshiki Tajima ; Sergei V. Bulanov / Reviews of Modern Physics 78 (2006) p. 309 [doi]
2006 / Two myths about special relativity / Ralph Baierlein / American Journal of Physics 74 (2006) p. 193 [doi]
2007 / The Reception of Relativity in China / Danian Hu / Isis 98 (2007) p. 539 [doi]
2008 / Length matters: The Einstein–Swann correspondence and the constructive approach to the special theory of relativity / Amit Hagar / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 39 (2008) p. 532 [doi]
2008 / Max von laue’s role in the relativity revolution / David E. Rowe / The Mathematical Intelligencer 30 (2008) p. 54 [doi]
2010 / La disparition du temps en relativité / Marc Lachièze-Rey / Pour la Science 397 (2010) p. 42 [lien]
2010 / [Search and Discovery] Relativistic effects seen at everyday distances and speeds / Barbara Goss Levi / Physics Today 63 (2010) p. 16 [doi]
2011 / [Essay Review] How Relativity Got Accepted and How Einstein Came to be Regarded as its Author / Robert Deltete / Annals of Science 68 (2011) p. 261 [doi]
2012 / The Reception of Miller's Ether-Drift Experiments in the USA: The History of a Controversy in Relativity Revolution / Roberto Lalli / Annals of Science 69 (2012) p. 153 [doi]
2013 / Anti-Relativity in Action: The Scientific Activity of Herbert E. Ives between 1937 and 1953 / Roberto Lalli / Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 43 (2013) p. 41 [doi]
2013 / Les points de vue de Poincaré sur la « mécanique nouvelle » et leurs rapports à l’enseignement et à sa pratique scientifique / Christian Bracco ; Jean-Pierre Provost / Revue d'histoire des sciences 66 (2013) p. 137 [doi]
2013 / Mansuripur's paradox / David J. Griffiths ; V. Hnizdo / American Journal of Physics 81 (2013) p. 570 [doi]
2013 / Using three-dimensional spacetime diagrams in special relativity / Tevian Dray / American Journal of Physics 81 (2013) p. 593 [doi]
2014 / Everyday relativity and the Doppler effect / Samuel Picton Drake ; Alan Purvis / American Journal of Physics 82 (2014) p. 52 [doi]
2015 / Special relativity from the dynamical viewpoint / William M. Nelson / American Journal of Physics 83 (2015) p. 600 [doi]
2016 / A relativistic trolley paradox / Vadim N. Matvejev ; Oleg V. Matvejev ; Ø. Grøn / American Journal of Physics 84 (2016) p. 419 [doi]
2016 / Relativity on rotated graph paper / Roberto B. Salgado / American Journal of Physics 84 (2016) p. 344 [doi]
2016 / Visualizing relativity: The OpenRelativity project / Zachary W. Sherin ; Ryan Cheu ; Philip Tan ; Gerd Kortemeyer / American Journal of Physics 84 (2016) p. 369 [doi]
2016 / Where are the charge carriers along a closed circuit? A relativistic description / Sylvain Fautrat / American Journal of Physics 84 (2016) p. 216 [doi]