vague scélérate
2009 / What kind of a wave is Hokusai's Great wave off Kanagawa? / Julyan H.E. Cartwright ; Hisami Nakamura / Notes and Records 63 (2009) p. 119 [doi]
2013 / On Hokusai's Great wave off Kanagawa: localization, linearity and a rogue wave in sub-Antarctic waters / J. M. Dudley ; V. Sarano ; F. Dias / Notes and Records 67 (2013) p. 159 [doi]
2013 / Rogue waves and their generating mechanisms in different physical contexts / M. Onorato ; S. Residori ; U. Bortolozzo ; A. Montina ; F.T. Arecchi / Physics Reports 528 (2013) p. 47 [doi]