chambre à brouillard
1955 / Nuclear Particle Detection (Cloud Chambers and Bubble Chambers) / William B. Fretter / Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 5 (1955) p. 145 [doi]
1997 / The most wonderful experiment in the world: a history of the cloud chamber / Clinton Chaloner / The British Journal for the History of Science 30 (1997) p. 357 [doi]
2011 / Particles that take photographs of themselves: The emergence of the triggered cloud chamber technique in early 1930s cosmic-ray physics / Matteo Leone / American Journal of Physics 79 (2011) p. 454 [doi]
2012 / Comment réaliser une chambre à brouillard ? / Christian Mariaud / Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens 940 (2012) p. 57 [lien]