Edmond Halley
1957 / Edmond Halley, F.R.S. 1656-1742 / S. Chapman / Notes and Records 12 (1957) p. 168 [doi]
1957 / Halley as an Astronomer / Harold Spencer Jones / Notes and Records 12 (1957) p. 175 [doi]
1961 / The Savilian Professors' Houses and Halley's Observatory at Oxford / H. E. Bell / Notes and Records 16 (1961) p. 179 [doi]
1970 / Edmond Halley, F.R.S., Hydrologist Extraordinary / Asit K. Biswas / Notes and Records 25 (1970) p. 47 [doi]
1971 / Halley and the Traité de la lumière of Huygens: New Light on Halley's Relationship with Newton / William R. Albury / Isis 62 (1971) p. 445 [lien]
1974 / Edmond Halley and the Clubs of the Royal Society / T. E. Allibone / Notes and Records 28 (1974) p. 195 [doi]
1977 / Halley's Atheism and the End of the World / Simon Schaffer / Notes and Records 32 (1977) p. 17 [doi]
1978 / Halley's Ode on the Principia of Newton and the Epicurean Revival in England / W. R. Albury / Journal of the History of Ideas 39 (1978) p. 24 [lien]
1981 / Captain Edmond Halley R.N., F.R.S. / Charles H. Cotter / Notes and Records 36 (1981) p. 61 [doi]
1985 / The Commonplace Book of Edmond Halley / Edward H. Cohen ; John S. Ross / Notes and Records 40 (1985) p. 1 [doi]
1986 / Newton, Halley et l'Observatoire de Paris / Suzanne Débarbat / Revue d'histoire des sciences 39 (1986) p. 127 [doi]
1988 / Edmond Halley, Geophysicist / Michael E. Evans / Physics Today 41 (1988) p. 41 [doi]
1991 / Edmond Halley and Newton's 'Principia' / Alan Cook / Notes and Records 45 (1991) p. 129 [doi]
1992 / The Hollow World of Halley, Edmond / N. Kollerstrom / Journal for the History of Astronomy 23 (1992) p. 185 [lien]
1993 / Edmond Halley - Geophysicist / S. R. C. Malin / Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 34 (1993) p. 151 [lien]
1993 / Edmond Halley - a Commemoration / R. Hide ; A. Wolfendale ; C. Ronan ; A. Chapman ; A. Cook ; D. W. Hughes ; S. R. C. Malin / Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 34 (1993) p. 135 [lien]
1993 / Halley the Londoner / Alan Cook / Notes and Records 47 (1993) p. 163 [doi]
1994 / Edmond Halley - Actuary / G. Heywood / Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 35 (1994) p. 151 [lien]
1994 / Edmond Halley's Use of Historical Evidence in the Advancement of Science / Allan Chapman / Notes and Records 48 (1994) p. 167 [doi]
1996 / Halley and the Saros / A. Cook / Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 37 (1996) p. 349 [lien]
2001 / Edmond Halley and the magnetic field of the earth / Sir Alan Cook / Notes and Records 55 (2001) p. 473 [doi]
2005 / Halley’s Method for Calculating the Earth-Sun Distance / L. W. B. Browne / Archive for history of exact sciences 59 (2005) p. 251 [doi]
2006 / Edmond Halley's last portrait / Patricia Fara / Notes and Records 60 (2006) p. 199 [doi]
2008 / [Histoire] Halley vint, et les comètes tournèrent / Arkan Simaan / Ciel et Espace 462 (2008) p. 60
2013 / Halley and the eternity of the world revisited / Dmitri Levitin / Notes and Records 67 (2013) p. 315 [doi]
2014 / “We have Adventured to Make the Earth Hollow”: Edmond Halley's Extravagant Hypothesis / Peter W. Sinnema / Perspectives on Science 22 (2014) p. 423 [doi]