Albert Einstein
1952 / Descartes et Einstein / F. Lelionnais / Revue d'histoire des sciences 5 (1952) p. 139 [doi]
1963 / Conversations with Albert Einstein / R. S. Shankland / American Journal of Physics 31 (1963) p. 47 [doi]
1969 / Einstein, Michelson, and the "Crucial" Experiment / Gerald Holton / Isis 60 (1969) p. 133 [lien]
1970 / Einstein, Lorentz, and the Electron Theory / Russell Mc Cormmach / Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 2 (1970) p. 41 [doi]
1970 / The First Phase of the Bohr-Einstein Dialogue / Martin J. Klein / Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 2 (1970) p. 1 [doi]
1972 / Einstein's Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics / L. E. Ballentine / American Journal of Physics 40 (1972) p. 1763 [doi]
1972 / The Copernican character of Einstein's cosmology / Allen Harder / Annals of Science 29 (1972) p. 339 [doi]
1973 / Conversations with Albert Einstein. II / R. S. Shankland / American Journal of Physics 41 (1973) p. 895 [doi]
1974 / La correspondance Einstein-Besso / B. Kouznetsov ; A Frenk / Revue d'histoire des sciences 27 (1974) p. 77 [doi]
1974 / Two letters from Einstein concerning his distant parallelism field theory / Herbert E. Salzer / Archive for history of exact sciences 12 (1974) p. 89 [doi]
1976 / Einstein's Early Scientific Collaboration / Lewis Pyenson / Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 7 (1976) p. 83 [doi]
1977 / Einstein's comprehensive 1907 essay on relativity, part I / H. M. Schwartz / American Journal of Physics 45 (1977) p. 512 [doi]
1977 / Einstein's comprehensive 1907 essay on relativity, part II / H. M. Schwartz / American Journal of Physics 45 (1977) p. 811 [doi]
1977 / Einstein's comprehensive 1907 essay on relativity, part III / H. M. Schwartz / American Journal of Physics 45 (1977) p. 899 [doi]
1977 / Logical economy in Einstein's “ on the electrodynamics of moving bodies” / Robert B. Williamson / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 8 (1977) p. 49 [doi]
1977 / Some Unnoticed Publications by Einstein / Martin J. Klein ; Allan Needell / Isis 68 (1977) p. 601 [lien]
1978 / Einstein and Hilbert: Two months in the history of general relativity / John Earman ; Clark Glymour / Archive for history of exact sciences 19 (1978) p. 291 [doi]
1978 / Lost in the tensors: Einstein's struggles with covariance principles 1912–1916 / John Earman ; Clark Glymour / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 9 (1978) p. 251 [doi]
1979 / Albert Einstein in Prague / József Illy / Isis 70 (1979) p. 76 [lien]
1979 / Einstein and general relativity: Historical perspectives / S. Chandrasekhar / American Journal of Physics 47 (1979) p. 212 [doi]
1979 / Einstein and the quantum theory / A. Pais / Reviews of Modern Physics 51 (1979) p. 863 [doi]
1979 / Physics in the shadow of mathematics: The Göttingen electron-theory seminar of 1905 / Lewis Pyenson / Archive for history of exact sciences 21 (1979) p. 55 [doi]
1980 / Einstein and $\Delta t\Delta E$ / L. F. Cook / American Journal of Physics 48 (1980) p. 142 [doi]
1980 / Einstein's Education: Mathematics and the Laws of Nature / Lewis Pyenson / Isis 71 (1980) p. 399 [lien]
1980 / Statistical and causal concepts in Einstein's early thought / Patrick H. Byrne / Annals of Science 37 (1980) p. 215 [doi]
1981 / Albert Einstein et la théorie du mouvement brownien / Bernard Pourprix ; J. Lannoo / Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens 75 (1981) p. 1123 [lien]
1981 / Albert Einstein in Japan: 1922 / Ippei Okamoto (auteur) ; Kenkichiro Koizumi (traducteur) / American Journal of Physics 49 (1981) p. 930 [doi]
1981 / Einstein and Spacetime: Then and Now / Steven Weinberg / Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 125 (1981) p. 20 [lien]
1981 / Einstein and statistical thermodynamics. I. Relativistic thermodynamics / P. T. Landsberg / European Journal of Physics 2 (1981) p. 203 [doi]
1981 / Einstein and statistical thermodynamics. II. Oscillator quantisation / P. T. Landsberg / European Journal of Physics 2 (1981) p. 208 [doi]
1981 / Einstein and statistical thermodynamics. III. The diffusion-mobility relation in semiconductors / P. T. Landsberg / European Journal of Physics 2 (1981) p. 213 [doi]
1981 / Einstein's Search for the "Weltbild" / Gerald Holton / Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 125 (1981) p. 1 [lien]
1981 / Les contributions d'Einstein à l'élaboration de la première théorie des quanta / Michel Paty / Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens 75 (1981) p. 693 [lien]
1981 / The Observational Foundation of Einstein's Theory of Gravitation: the Gravitational Acceleration / Robert H. Dicke / Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 125 (1981) p. 16 [lien]
1981 / The origins of Einstein's use of formal asymmetries / Patrick H. Byrne / Annals of Science 38 (1981) p. 191 [doi]
1982 / Audacious Enterprise: The Einsteins and Electrotechnology in Late Nineteenth-Century Munich / Lewis Pyenson / Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 12 (1982) p. 373 [doi]
1982 / Theoretical Predispositions in Experimental Physics: Einstein and the Gyromagnetic Experiments, 1915-1925 / Peter Galison / Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 12 (1982) p. 285 [doi]
1984 / How Einstein Found His Field Equations: 1912-1915 / John Norton / Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 14 (1984) p. 253 [doi]
1984 / Mach's theory of research and its relation to Einstein / Paul K. Feyerabend / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 15 (1984) p. 1 [doi]
1984 / Note on Einstein's first paper / J. D. Nightingale ; R. E. Kelly / American Journal of Physics 52 (1984) p. 560 [doi]
1985 / Bohr entre Einstein et Dirac / Françoise Balibar / Revue d'histoire des sciences 38 (1985) p. 293 [doi]
1985 / Einstein et la complémentarité au sens de Bohr : du retrait dans le tumulte aux arguments d'incomplétude / Michel Paty / Revue d'histoire des sciences 38 (1985) p. 325 [doi]
1985 / Einstein on locality and separability / Don Howard / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 16 (1985) p. 171 [doi]
1985 / On Feyerabend's version of ‘Mach's theory of research and its relation to Einstein’ / Klaus Hentschel / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 16 (1985) p. 387 [doi]
1985 / What was Einstein's principle of equivalence? / John Norton / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 16 (1985) p. 203 [doi]
1985 / Why Einstein Became Famous in America / Marshall Missner / Social Studies of Science 15 (1985) p. 267 [lien]
1986 / Einstein and Germany / Fritz Stern / Physics Today 39 (1986) p. 40 [doi]
1986 / Einstein, General Relativity, and the German Press, 1919-1920 / Lewis Elton / Isis 77 (1986) p. 95 [lien]
1987 / Einstein, Bohr, and Creative Thinking in Science / A. Rothenberg / History of Science 25 (1987) p. 147 [lien]
1988 / Recurrences and continuity in Einstein's research on radiation between 1905 and 1916 / S. Bergia ; L. Navarro / Archive for history of exact sciences 38 (1988) p. 79 [doi]
1988 / The Pragmatic Humanism of Bohr, Einstein and Sakharov / Robert E. Marshak / Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 132 (1988) p. 268 [lien]
1988 / The role of observation and simplicity in Einstein's epistemology / Jim Shelton / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 19 (1988) p. 103 [doi]
1989 / Einstein and the War Department / Richard A. Schwartz / Isis 80 (1989) p. 281 [lien]
1989 / Einstein teaches Lorentz, Lorentz teaches Einstein their collaboration in general relativity, 1913–1920 / József Illy / Archive for history of exact sciences 39 (1989) p. 247 [doi]
1989 / On the Collected Papers of Albert Einstein: The Development of the Project / Herbert Smith Bailey, Jr. / Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 133 (1989) p. 347 [lien]
1990 / Einstein before 1905: The early papers on statistical mechanics / Clayton A. Gearhart / American Journal of Physics 58 (1990) p. 468 [doi]
1990 / Einstein et la discontinuité quantique / Olivier Darrigol / La Recherche 220 (1990) p. 446
1990 / Einstein's opposition to the quantum theory / Robert Deltete ; Reed Guy / American Journal of Physics 58 (1990) p. 673 [doi]
1990 / Substances and space-time: What Aristotle would have said to Einstein / Tim Maudlin / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 21 (1990) p. 531 [doi]
1990 / The cosmological constant: Einstein's greatest mistake? / Christopher Ray / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 21 (1990) p. 589 [doi]
1992 / Einstein and relativistic thermodynamics in 1952: a historical and critical study of a strange episode in the history of modern physics / Chuang Liu / The British Journal for the History of Science 25 (1992) p. 185 [doi]
1992 / Einstein's attitude towards experiments: Testing relativity theory 1907–1927 / Klaus Hentschel / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 23 (1992) p. 593 [doi]
1992 / The theories of relativity and Einstein's philosophical turn / Makoto Katsumori / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 23 (1992) p. 557 [doi]
1993 / [numéro spécial] / / Cahiers de Science et Vie 16 (1993) p. 0
1994 / Einstein and the Press / Abraham Pais / Physics Today 47 (1994) p. 30 [doi]
1994 / Einstein's struggle for a Machian gravitation theory / Carl Hoefer / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 25 (1994) p. 287 [doi]
1994 / Of Love, Physics and Other Passions: The Letters of Albert and Mileva (Part 2) / Gerald Holton / Physics Today 47 (1994) p. 37 [doi]
1994 / Of Love, Physics and Other Passions: The Letters of Albert and Mileva / Gerald Holton / Physics Today 47 (1994) p. 23 [doi]
1994 / The Friendship among Three Singular Men: Einstein and His Swiss Friends Besso and Zangger / Heinrich A. Medicus / Isis 85 (1994) p. 456 [lien]
1995 / Some Reminiscences of Albert Einstein / Janos Plesch ; Peter H. Plesch / Notes and Records 49 (1995) p. 303 [doi]
1996 / Einstein's 1927 unpublished hidden-variable theory: Its background, context and significance / Darrin W. Belousek / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 27 (1996) p. 437 [doi]
1996 / Einstein, père des trous noirs malgré lui / Jeremy Bernstein / Pour la Science 226 (1996) p. 92
1997 / Einstein's controversy with Drude and the origin of statistical mechanics: A new glimpse from the “Love Letters” / Jürgen Renn / Archive for history of exact sciences 51 (1997) p. 315 [doi]
1997 / Les réfrigérateurs d'Einstein et de Szilard / Gene Dannen / Pour la Science 233 (1997) p. 82
1998 / Einstein’s 1935 Derivation of E=mc2 / Francisco Flores / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 29 (1998) p. 223 [doi]
1998 / Gibbs, Einstein and the Foundations of Statistical Mechanics / Luis Navarro / Archive for history of exact sciences 53 (1998) p. 147 [doi]
1999 / Einstein and Singularities / John Earman ; Jean Eisenstaedt / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 30 (1999) p. 185 [doi]
1999 / Einstein's First Steps Toward General Relativity: Gedanken Experiments and Axiomatics / A. I. Miller / Physics in Perspective 1 (1999) p. 85 [doi]
2000 / Einstein's Kyoto Address: "How I Created the Theory of Relativity" / Seiya Abiko / Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 31 (2000) p. 1 [doi]
2000 / Werner Heisenberg and Albert Einstein / Gerald Holton / Physics Today 53 (2000) p. 38 [doi]
2001 / Einstein Meets Hilbert: At the Crossroads of Physics and Mathematics / David E. Rowe / Physics in Perspective 3 (2001) p. 379 [doi]
2001 / Le train fantôme de la relativité restreinte / Peter Galison / La Recherche Hors-Serie 5 (2001) p. 30
2002 / Einstein and the Kaluza–Klein particle / Jeroen van Dongen / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 33 (2002) p. 185 [doi]
2002 / The centenary of Einstein's first scientific paper / J. N. Murrell ; N. Grobert / Notes and Records 56 (2002) p. 89 [doi]
2002 / The scientist as moral authority: Albert Einstein between elitism and democracy, 1914-1933 / Britta Scheideler / Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 32 (2002) p. 319 [doi]
2003 / Albert Einstein and Friedrich Dessauer: Political Views and Political Practice / Hubert Goenner / Physics in Perspective 5 (2003) p. 21 [doi]
2003 / On Einstein's distrust of the electromagnetic theory: The origin of the lightvelocity postulate / Seiya Abiko / Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 33 (2003) p. 193 [doi]
2004 / 1905, l'année admirable / Michel Paty / Pour la Science 326 (2004) p. 26
2004 / Einstein, Race, and the Myth of the Cultural Icon / Fred Jerome / Isis 95 (2004) p. 627 [doi]
2004 / Einstein’s Investigations of Galilean Covariant Electrodynamics Prior to 1905 / John D. Norton / Archive for history of exact sciences 59 (2004) p. 45 [doi]
2004 / Einstein’s Methodology, Semivectors and the Unification of Electrons and Protons / Jeroen van Dongen / Archive for history of exact sciences 58 (2004) p. 219 [doi]
2004 / Material History and Imaginary Clocks: Poincaré, Einstein, and Galison on Simultaneity / Alberto A. Martínez / Physics in Perspective 6 (2004) p. 224 [doi]
2004 / On a recent article by Seiya Abiko / Olivier Darrigol / Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 35 (2004) p. 153 [doi]
2004 / Organized criticism of Einstein and relativity in China, 1949–1989 / Danian Hu / Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 34 (2004) p. 311 [doi]
2004 / Reply to Olivier Darrigol / Seiya Abiko / Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 35 (2004) p. 157 [doi]
2004 / The Elusive Icon : Introduction / Peter Galison / Isis 95 (2004) p. 610 [doi]
2004 / The Mystery of the Einstein–Poincaré Connection / Olivier Darrigol / Isis 95 (2004) p. 614 [doi]
2004 / [numéro spécial] L'ère Einstein / / Pour la Science 326 (2004) p. 0 [lien]
2005 / A Small Puzzle from 1905 / Alex Harvey ; Engelbert Schucking / Physics Today 58 (2005) p. 34 [doi]
2005 / Albert Einstein as a Philosopher of Science / Don A. Howard / Physics Today 58 (2005) p. 34 [doi]
2005 / Einstein Versus the Physical Review / Daniel Kennefick / Physics Today 58 (2005) p. 43 [doi]
2005 / Einstein's Mistakes / Steven Weinberg / Physics Today 58 (2005) p. 31 [doi]
2005 / Einstein's Unknown Insight and the Problem of Quantizing Chaos / A. Douglas Stone / Physics Today 58 (2005) p. 37 [doi]
2005 / Einstein, au-delà du mythe / Jean-Noël Terry / Cahiers Clairaut 111 (2005) p. 30 [lien]
2005 / Einstein: the classical physicist / J. S. Rowlinson / Notes and Records 59 (2005) p. 255 [doi]
2005 / On Einstein's 1905 electrodynamics paper / W.L. Kennedy / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 36 (2005) p. 61 [doi]
2005 / Rereading Einstein on Radiation / Daniel Kleppner / Physics Today 58 (2005) p. 30 [doi]
2005 / [Reference Frame] My Life with Einstein / N. David Mermin / Physics Today 58 (2005) p. 10 [doi]
2005 / [numéro spécial] L'héritage Einstein 1905-2005 : un siècle de physique / / Les Dossiers de La Recherche 18 (2005) p. 0
2006 / Albert Einstein in Leiden / Dirk van Delft / Physics Today 59 (2006) p. 57 [doi]
2006 / Another look at general covariance and the equivalence of reference frames / Dennis Dieks / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 37 (2006) p. 174 [doi]
2006 / Atoms, entropy, quanta: Einstein's miraculous argument of 1905 / John D. Norton / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 37 (2006) p. 71 [doi]
2006 / Confusion and clarification: Albert Einstein and Walther Nernst's Heat Theorem, 1911–1916 / A. J. Kox / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 37 (2006) p. 101 [doi]
2006 / Dismissing renewed attempts to deny Einstein the discovery of special relativity / Roger Cerf / American Journal of Physics 74 (2006) p. 818 [doi]
2006 / Einstein's impact on the physics of the twentieth century / Domenico Giulini ; Norbert Straumann / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 37 (2006) p. 115 [doi]
2006 / Insuperable difficulties: Einstein's statistical road to molecular physics / Jos Uffink / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 37 (2006) p. 36 [doi]
2006 / La citation mystérieuse / Pierre Lerich / Cahiers Clairaut 114 (2006) p. 5 [lien]
2006 / Symmetry and asymmetry in electrodynamics from Rowland to Einstein / Giora Hon ; Bernard R. Goldstein / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 37 (2006) p. 635 [doi]
2006 / The turning point for Einstein's Annus mirabilis / Robert Rynasiewicz ; Jürgen Renn / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 37 (2006) p. 5 [doi]
2007 / An Einstein manuscript on the EPR paradox for spin observables / Tilman Sauer / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 38 (2007) p. 879 [doi]
2007 / Einstein and the Early Theory of Superconductivity, 1919–1922 / Tilman Sauer / Archive for history of exact sciences 61 (2007) p. 159 [doi]
2007 / Einstein as Engineer:The Case of the Little Machine / Ad Maas / Physics in Perspective 9 (2007) p. 305 [doi]
2007 / Emil Rupp, Albert Einstein, and the canal ray experiments on wave-particle duality: Scientific fraud and theoretical bias / Jeroen Van Dongen / Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 37 (2007) p. 73 [doi]
2007 / Klein, Einstein, and Five-Dimensional Unification / Paul Halpern / Physics in Perspective 9 (2007) p. 390 [doi]
2007 / Reactionaries and Einstein’s Fame: “German Scientists for the Preservation of Pure Science,” Relativity, and the Bad Nauheim Meeting / Jeroen van Dongen / Physics in Perspective 9 (2007) p. 212 [doi]
2007 / The interpretation of the Einstein-Rupp experiments and their influence on the history of quantum mechanics / Jeroen Van Dongen / Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 37 (2007) p. 121 [doi]
2008 / Length matters: The Einstein–Swann correspondence and the constructive approach to the special theory of relativity / Amit Hagar / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 39 (2008) p. 532 [doi]
2008 / Paul Dirac and the Einstein-Bohr Debate / Alisa Bokulich / Perspectives on Science 16 (2008) p. 103 [doi]
2008 / The Collective Construction of Scientific Memory: The Einstein-Poincaré Connection and its Discontents, 1905-2005 / Y. Gingras / History of Science 46 (2008) p. 75 [lien]
2009 / Did Einstein prove E=mc2? / Hans C. Ohanian / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 40 (2009) p. 167 [doi]
2009 / Einstein in Portugal: Eddington's expedition to Principe and the reactions of Portuguese astronomers (1917–25) / Elsa Mota ; Paulo Crawford ; Ana Simões / The British Journal for the History of Science 42 (2009) p. 245 [doi]
2009 / On the Role of the Michelson–Morley Experiment: Einstein in Chicago / Jeroen van Dongen / Archive for history of exact sciences 63 (2009) p. 655 [doi]
2010 / Paul Ehrenfest, Niels Bohr, and Albert Einstein: Colleagues and Friends / Martin J. Klein / Physics in Perspective 12 (2010) p. 307 [doi]
2011 / A debate on magnetic current: the troubled Einstein–Ehrenhaft correspondence / Gildo Magalhães Santos / The British Journal for the History of Science 44 (2011) p. 371 [doi]
2011 / Understanding Einstein's 1905 derivation of E=Mc2 / N. David Mermin / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 42 (2011) p. 1 [doi]
2011 / [Essay Review] How Relativity Got Accepted and How Einstein Came to be Regarded as its Author / Robert Deltete / Annals of Science 68 (2011) p. 261 [doi]
2012 / Albert Einstein and the Nature of Light / Barry R. Masters / Optics and Photonics News 23 (2012) p. 42 [lien]
2012 / Einstein, le faux solitaire / David Fossé ; Thibault Damour / Ciel et Espace 505 (2012) p. 30
2012 / Mistaken Identity and Mirror Images: Albert and Carl Einstein, Leiden and Berlin, Relativity and Revolution / Jeroen van Dongen / Physics in Perspective 14 (2012) p. 126 [doi]
2014 / Did Einstein Really Believe that Principle Theories are Explanatorily Powerless? / Marc Lange / Perspectives on Science 22 (2014) p. 449 [doi]
2014 / Einstein’s conversion from his static to an expanding universe / Harry Nussbaumer / European Journal of Physics H 39 (2014) p. 37 [doi]
2014 / Einstein’s cosmic model of 1931 revisited: an analysis and translation of a forgotten model of the universe / C. O’Raifeartaigh ; B. McCann / European Journal of Physics H 39 (2014) p. 63 [doi]
2014 / Einstein’s steady-state theory: an abandoned model of the cosmos / Cormac O’Raifeartaigh ; Brendan McCann ; Werner Nahm ; Simon Mitton / European Journal of Physics H 39 (2014) p. 353 [doi]
2015 / Arch and scaffold: How Einstein found his field equations / Michel Janssen ; Jürgen Renn / Physics Today 68 (2015) p. 30 [doi]
2015 / Comment Einstein a réinventé la réalité / Walter Isaacson / Pour la Science 457 (2015) p. 38 [lien]
2015 / Einstein’s cosmology review of 1933: a new perspective on the Einstein-de Sitter model of the cosmos / Cormac O’Raifeartaigh ; Michael O’Keeffe ; Werner Nahm ; Simon Mitton / European Journal of Physics H 40 (2015) p. 301 [doi]
2015 / Pourquoi Einstein compte encore / Brian Greene / Pour la Science 457 (2015) p. 26 [lien]
2015 / Trois erreurs d'Einstein / Lawrence Krauss / Pour la Science 457 (2015) p. 84 [lien]
2016 / Einstein et la presse, une relation tumultueuse / Jean-Marc Ginoux ; Christian Gérini / Pour la Science 468 (2016) p. 0 [lien]