Harlow Shapley
1974 / Harlow Shapley / B. J. Bok / Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 15 (1974) p. 51 [lien]
1984 / The Harvard summer school in astronomy / David H. DeVorkin / Physics Today 37 (1984) p. 48 [doi]
1988 / How Shapley came to Harvard - Snatching the Prize from the Jaws of Debate / O. Gingerich / Journal for the History of Astronomy 19 (1988) p. 201 [lien]
1990 / Through Rugged Ways to Galaxies / O. Gingerich / Journal for the History of Astronomy 21 (1990) p. 77 [lien]
2000 / Bailey, Shapley, and variable stars in globular clusters / H. A. Smith / Journal for the History of Astronomy 31 (2000) p. 185 [lien]
2003 / Notre position dans la Galaxie : lecture d'un article historique de Harlow Shapley en 1918 / Jean-Noël Terry / Cahiers Clairaut 102 (2003) p. 23 [lien]