Antoine Lavoisier
1931 / Boyle's Conception of Element Compared with That of Lavoisier / Tenney L. Davis / Isis 16 (1931) p. 82 [lien]
1933 / Lavoisier's Early Work in Science 1763-1771 / A. N. Meldrum / Isis 19 (1933) p. 330 [lien]
1934 / Lavoisier's Early Work in Science 1763-1771 / A. N. Meldrum / Isis 20 (1934) p. 396 [lien]
1949 / Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, F.R.S. 1743-1794 / Douglas McKie / Notes and Records 7 (1949) p. 1 [doi]
1950 / Les polémiques au sujet des priorités de Lavoisier / Maurice Daumas / Revue d'histoire des sciences 3 (1950) p. 133 [doi]
1957 / Crucial Experiments: Priestley and Lavoisier / S. E. Toulmin / Journal of the History of Ideas 18 (1957) p. 205 [doi]
1967 / Boyle, Lomonosov, Lavoisier, and the Corpuscular Theory of Matter / Henry M. Leicester / Isis 58 (1967) p. 240 [lien]
1970 / The Functions of Affinity Tables and Lavoisier's List of Elements / A. M. Duncan / Ambix 17 (1970) p. 28 [doi]
1972 / Lavoisier and the Caloric Theory / Robert J. Morris / The British Journal for the History of Science 6 (1972) p. 1 [doi]
1973 / Lavoisier's Table of the Elements: A Reappraisal / C. E. Perrin / Ambix 20 (1973) p. 95 [doi]
1973 / Lavoisier's Theory of the Earth / Rhoda Rappaport / The British Journal for the History of Science 6 (1973) p. 247 [doi]
1976 / Chemistry as a Branch of Physics: Laplace's Collaboration with Lavoisier / Henry Guerlac / Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 7 (1976) p. 193 [doi]
1981 / Lavoisier's Views on Phlogiston and the Matter of Fire before about 1770 / Richard C. Jennings / Ambix 28 (1981) p. 206 [doi]
1982 / Lavoisier's Table of Simple Substances: Its Origin and Interpretation / Robert Siegfried / Ambix 29 (1982) p. 29 [doi]
1989 / Lavoisier and the phlogistic connection / Robert Siegfried / Ambix 36 (1989) p. 31 [doi]
1991 / A Word and the World: The Significance of Naming the Calorimeter / Lissa Roberts / Isis 82 (1991) p. 198 [lien]
2001 / From Nollet to Volta : Lavoisier and electricity / Marco Beretta / Revue d'histoire des sciences 54 (2001) p. 29 [doi]