Giordano Bruno
1941 / The Cosmology of Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) / Dorothea Waley Singer / Isis 33 (1941) p. 187 [lien]
1948 / The cosmology of Giordano Bruno / Angus Armitage / Annals of Science 6 (1948) p. 24 [doi]
1977 / Giordano Bruno's Ideas in Seventeenth-Century Engla / Daniel Massa / Journal of the History of Ideas 38 (1977) p. 227 [lien]
1986 / Giordano Bruno at Oxford / Ernan McMullin / Isis 77 (1986) p. 85 [lien]
1987 / Bruno and Copernicus / Ernan McMullin / Isis 78 (1987) p. 55 [lien]
2000 / L'univers infini de Bruno / Giulio Giorello / Pour la Science 278 (2000) p. 54 [lien]
2008 / Kepler and Bruno on the Infinity of the Universe and of Solar Systems / Miguel A. Granada / Journal for the History of Astronomy 39 (2008) p. 469 [lien]
2010 / Mersenne's Critique of Giordano Bruno's Conception of the Relation between God and the Universe: A Reappraisal / Miguel A. Granada / Perspectives on Science 18 (2010) p. 26 [doi]