Francis Bacon
1966 / Roger Bacon's Theory of the Rainbow: Progress or Regress? / David C. Lindberg / Isis 57 (1966) p. 235 [lien]
1975 / Francis Bacon's Semi-Paracelsian Cosmology / Graham Rees / Ambix 22 (1975) p. 81 [doi]
1975 / Francis Bacon's Semi-Paracelsian Cosmology and The Great Instauration / Graham Rees / Ambix 22 (1975) p. 161 [doi]
1977 / The Fate of Bacon's Cosmology in the Seventeenth Century / Graham Rees / Ambix 24 (1977) p. 27 [doi]
1984 / Bacon, Galileo, and Descartes on Imagination and Analogy / Katharine Park ; Lorraine J. Daston ; Peter L. Galison / Isis 75 (1984) p. 287 [lien]
1992 / Francis Bacon and Scientific Poetry / Robert M. Schuler / Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 82 (1992) p. 1 [doi]