Francesco Maurolico
1957 / Maurolico's Attitude toward Copernicus / Edward Rosen / Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 101 (1957) p. 177 [lien]
1957 / Was Maurolico's Essay on the Nova of 1572 Printed? / Edward Rosen / Isis 48 (1957) p. 171 [lien]
1960 / Maurolyco's "Lost" Essay on the New Star of 1572 / C. Doris Hellman ; Francesco Maurolyco / Isis 51 (1960) p. 322 [lien]
2006 / The Mathematical Contributions of Francesco Maurolico to the Theory of Music of the 16th Century (The Problems of a Manuscript) / Tito M. Tonietti / Centaurus 48 (2006) p. 149 [doi]